The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Severe Rt Shoulder Blade Pain
Hi there,I've had chronic pain in my right shoulder blade area for almost 15 years since I fell off a horse. I've tried everything to address the issue and nothing worked. I recently got an MRI and was told there is hypertrophy of the nerve. The doctor suggested a radio frequency procedure to burn/kill the nerve itself, but I am afraid to do the procedure since I am highly sensitive.
I've recently found some new remedies online that might be worth trying: Chelidonium or sanguinarium. Can someone tell me if these (or other remedies) would be suitable to truly 'cure' this pain? I now have a baby and am using my right arm so much that the pain has become excruciating.
(As for background detail, I am a 43 year old woman that is highly sensitive to pain. I also have neuralgia's in that area and the skin feels partially numb).
maddie37 on 2017-09-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You may take Chelidonium 30 twice a day for 7 days and see how that affects.
One dose means 2 pills or drops.
If this doesn't help, take Sanguinaria Canadensis 30 in the same way.
[Edited by kadwa on 2017-09-18 05:37:26]
One dose means 2 pills or drops.
If this doesn't help, take Sanguinaria Canadensis 30 in the same way.
[Edited by kadwa on 2017-09-18 05:37:26]
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
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