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6 year old- stomach pains, post nasal drip, apnea, anemia, dyspnea

[Edited by Mummy1 on 2021-09-10 13:38:25]
  Mummy1 on 2017-09-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him 4 tables of Five phos of willium Scheweba three times and report after two weeks.

Mahfoozurrehman 7 years ago
Bump up for zady
simone717 7 years ago
does the kid feel cold?
Zady101 7 years ago
Kali Carb 200C

Dissolve 2 drops/ 5 pills in 6 teaspoons water; once pills dissolve, stir with a spoon a few times and drink. Do this Once only.

ONCE. No repetition.Update after 2 days of medicine

Your kid should get better. Avoid anything that might antindote the med.
[Edited by Zady101 on 2017-09-20 17:49:09]
Zady101 7 years ago
Btw, mummy. If your homeo pharmacy will not
Give you a few pills to try- or if they give you some and then no more?
Give me the name of the pharm and I can order it and pay them for you to pick it up.
simone717 7 years ago
I re read this.

Do not give him any more bicarbonate. (Baking soda)
Side effects are:

Pinpoint red dots on skin
Fast heartbeat
Trouble breathing
Very tired
Trouble breathing with any exertion
Soft stools/diarrhea
Stomach cramps
Extreme stomach cramps and injury to the stomach if given right after
Food or drink.

How much baking Soda a day were you giving and over how many months?

Also- please make a timeline for zady -
List each year- illness and what you have and what is still going on.
simone717 7 years ago
Also things like antacids will cause pale stools.

Is the stool brown after beets??

Every day pale stools is not normal if you cannot figure out a cause. He then. Needs a liver enzyme panel and a test for viral hepatitis to see what
Is the cause- remedies would be different depending on cause.
[Edited by simone717 on 2017-09-20 23:35:25]
simone717 7 years ago
Mummy1: pls exercise caution, dont give him
Baking soda, etc

Your prescription is above
Zady101 7 years ago
Please stop giving him Chaga tea and all supplements. There are side effects of chaga of bad stomach pain, bruising and liver disease. Unlike reishi, it has not been thoroughly researched. He needs good protein, vegetables and water- only.
simone717 7 years ago
[Edited by Mummy1 on 2021-09-10 13:39:17]
Mummy1 7 years ago
Oh, and ofcourse, thank you dr mahfooz!

SHould I give him 5phos or kali carb, does it still stand? He is not cold,almost ever, he sweats a lot during the night and he never gets really affected by the cold, he thinks its too hot always, because it is - I am always freezing and keeping the heat on. When we are outside and its really cold , he sometimes can comment that his hands are cold, that is probably te only part of him that he ever complains about being cold, ever, and only when its really cold outside. His heart rate is so fast, I guess its hard for him to get cold, however, his circulation cannot be the best as he gets all these spider veins or am I wrong? It is all very confusing :(
Mummy1 7 years ago
I do not believe in diagnosing thru "frequencies"
And then treating what can be a terribly "wrong"
Diagnosis with herbs, teas and so on where you make things worse
And then get more confused.

Last time I wrote he basically had poisoning
From giving bicarb. It does not matter if it was "small"
Amount - giving bicarb after a meal or moderate liquid can tear a hole in your stomach and cause death. He had every symptom of poisoning from bicarb.

Dr Mahfooz is only on here a couple times a year-
Disregard that old advice.

No one can help you on here- he needs western med testing to see if his
Stomach lining etc is damaged. I hope you find the funds to get him treated
And diagnosed.
simone717 7 years ago
Also your "doctoring" is harmful, and taking him for real tests without telling what! You have been giving him - will
Confuse the md as to real cause. If you are truthful with the md they will be able to figure out how to help.
Zady and I offered to pay the pharmacist ourselves for homeopathic meds...but no reply on your part as you don't want anyone to know your location even if we told pharmacist to give meds to a fake name.

I could probably also call a real md and offer to
Pay for tests, but my guess is you would forego that offer?
My hope is that not only the child but you
Get the help you need.
[Edited by simone717 on 2017-11-17 15:25:58]
simone717 7 years ago
Hmm ..
healer21 7 years ago
Simone, this was hurtful. You are basically calling me a bad mother. I have not poisoned my son with bicatbonate - a 1/4 of a tsp in a 8 oz of water once a week or so couldnt poisen a rat, let alone a child. Moreover, his symptoms started before and have continued after I discontinued the usage, and that was months ag. It is a known remedy that my grandfather has used for decades in much higher quantities, and he has no probles with his health. I have taken my child to a doctor multiple times during this period. The first time I went, I was offered a h pylori test that was negative a year ago. She said maybe gerd and wanted to wait with gastroscopy since he is so little. His stomach was better, and I relaxed. At the time, he had only occasional stomach pain. The doctor told me to "let the kid breath" and that it was nothing serious. A month later I took him to the emergency room and said I had forgotten my ID, they took him in, and ordered 30-ish different tests. The day after he was fine and stayed so for several months. Flare ups came selldom, and kids do get tummy ache sometimes. The next time I took him to the doctor was when the flare ups got frequent,she said that since his eyes were inflamed, it is just some virus and I should not worry,but prescribed antibiotics for his eyes. They made it worse. I changed his diet and his mattress, and he got better, the eyes at least, but the tummy still hurt for a little while every day. His pain was never severe and he could always play, walk, run, he has a lot of energy and a woman in the pharmacy told me that it is probably "attention seeking pain". I have dramatically changed his diet, I do everything I can to make it better, and I always consult with people that work in the field - chaga was sugggested by a renowen naturopathic doctor and I discontinued it when I saw it wasnt helping. I dont like supplementing too much eaither, which is the VERY reason I seeked homeopathy! On your suggestion, I took him to the doctor and spent every last cent - to find out that his "tonsills are a bit red, but thats all" and I should get bunch of tests for his stomach, among others, a genetical test for celiaci, gastroscopy, ultra sound and what not - for hundereds of dollars. The doctor said "he looks perfectly normal, and has no fever, so no worries" and told me to get to an pediatric ophtamologist but no worrying signs, ,maybe a dust allergy" Nobody deals with the whole body - they all just check for one thing and send me on to keepp spending money - with no answers! I found out from a friend about the bioresonance machine (it detected her early stage can cer that was confirmed by the doctor later on, and it was asymptomatic and not why she went there!) -I got it as a gift, and went, and it did show inflamed stomach lining. So I had THAT diagnosis, and trust it. SO you dont need to trust it , it did detect a problem straight away! The whole reason for seeking further is that I couldnt explain the dark circles and shortness of breath, which scared me. I thought homeopathy had the answer, maybe. ANd I seeked it for its lack of invasive nature (antibiotics and steroids almost took my life 5 years ago!) and its whole body approach. It is possible that his symptoms are just completely unrelated, it is also unlikely to me which is why I seek a whole body approach which I apparently wrongly thought homeopathy offered! This machine saved me many sleepless nights as I was fearing the worst, it did however not explain it all - and neither will separate tests, ophtamologists etc. I just wanted to know what is going on with my child! I was not "doctoring"! I gave him good diet, and few harmless supplements, all suggested by naturopaths and doctors and pharmacy workers. and I dont know where you get the idea that I didnt mention the supplements to the doctor?! Of couse I did, and doctor even commented on zinc being benneficial and not commenting on the bicarb as I , truthfully, said he didnt get any for a month or two by that time (it is more now..). So to sum it up . his stomach lining IS damaged due to h pylori - but the h pylori was in lower quantities when tested first and has quantified. I DID respond to your kind suggestion, and thanked you accordingly - I for now have no reason to believe that the kind man in the homeo pharmacy will go back on his word, hoped I wouldnt need any financial help, but surely was grateful and had your suggestion in mind in case taht would happen- and your post said "in case". Moreover, this is a small homeo pharmacy run by an old man and has no internet site, and no online shoping possibility , so I would not even know how to recieve your kindly offered help, I am however sure it could be arranged somehow in that case,but I also did not know what remedy to take. Zadys remedy I read about and it did not correspond to any of his symptoms. He is basically never cold. Dr Mahfooz remedy I asked about. - and yes, I am not the first one to accept other peoples help or money, but when it comes to my child, I sure would - so I have no idea where you got the idea -in case it is neccesary, I would do anything for my child! I never accepted money from my mum, but gladly accepted this time around ( and btw , this test was way, way cheaper than just one test suggested to me by the doctors!! - and included the whole body) however, it seems to me that you wanted my location, and if that is the case, I have no problem sharing it with you, privately. I have no problem giving my adress in private to somebody I trust, I do not however want my name or address to be on internet as I have a crazy ex husband. I had no intention of being that anonymous in private - but this is an open forum. Also , I have if your intention was to tell me that I need mental health care type of help - well, its on you. I am treating my bad heart and allergies with natural treatments, and have good results, and mentally, I am happy and healthy, thank you very much - I just worry about my child. If that makes me crazy - well be it. Happy to be crazy in that case. If I overshare, it is to offer the whole picture - my bad. So Simone, I am sorry if this is how I seem to you. I am doing my best from where I am, and I am a damn good mother, and everybody around me can attest to that. I do not posion my child, and I get him as much help as I can at any given time - I took him to the dentist last week, I took him to a parasite test yesterday. I do as much as I can. It has to be enough for me and him, and you can judge if you want to, I just wish you never have to be in my shoes. Not sure what you are insinuating, but lets hope it comes from a good place in your heart. In case somebody interested in offering a suggestion for possible benneficial tests to take that could lead to a potentially right diagnosis, I am all ears. ALso any sugegstion of a remedy, I would appreciate. I got his stool results and no parasites, they do wish to repeat it 2-3 more times for some reason. I talked loosely to a doctor that was outside the lab and he said it could be heital hernia due to h pylori or possibly, god forbid -cystic fibrosis. This is unfortunately a possibility since his sweat is extremly salty and has been since these problems got worse this spring (salty residue on cheeks etc).The genetic and chloride sweat tests I cannot afford, but will be travelling abroad in january for a job and then have him tested and hope for the best. If anyone has safe remedy suggestion for either of these possibilities, I would love to hear them. Thank you, and god bless you all.
Mummy1 7 years ago
Your child needs a face to face consult with you included.
What is your city?
You can use the edit button to erase the city
If you want to 24 hours after you post it.
simone717 7 years ago
Mummy1 ..

no one can go against you here at least on the forum .. We love you and true people care every needy person..

Simone717 always helps people .. she's also a mother .. just take her "messages-seriously".

Best Wishes
healer21 7 years ago
There are a good number of remedies for h pylori
, gastritis etc. But one cannot do this right on a forum.
And the fact you have o c d and stress, children often absorb that stress.
After your hospital visit and tests , he had no symptoms for a time,
Which would indicate perhaps you calmed down.

You need homeopathic help with o c d- which is the reason you
Can panic about this, over focus, where the doctors told you to let the kid breathe.

The o c d is an actual brain loop that releases stress hormones and feeds on itself. It only escalates worst case scenarios non stop. The loop has to get turned off.

And have you tried mastic gum on the child?
[Edited by simone717 on 2017-11-18 19:30:25]
simone717 7 years ago

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