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Burning due to piles and fissures

m suffering from non bleeding pilesand fissures. I got burning during passage of stool.i alsi suffer from hard and unsufficient stool.i have taken ratanhia 200 earlier for 10 days for burning.but it didnot help.so i took nux and sulphur.but somehow it works.but my problem is still dere.if i eat citrus fruit and any hot potency food.alot of burning start during passage of stool.pls help me.
  Riya3 on 2017-09-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

First of all tell about yourself ? Name, age, gender, occupation , life style , body type etc ..

You feel cold in body or hot now a days ? Do you like or need a cotton sheet or blanket to cover you body or not ?

Do you like water ? Do you feel thirsty and drink more water ? Or you are thirst less mostly ?

What you like mostly ? Sweets or salts ?

What MedicInes you used in past ? Name potencies ?

Time of aggravation of symptoms ??



[Edited by healer21 on 2017-10-04 06:26:21]
healer21 7 years ago
First of all tell about yourself ? Name, age, gender, occupation , life style , body type etc .. riya ..age 26
M studing
M slim girl weight 51 heigt 5 3

You feel cold in body or hot now a days ? Do you like or need a cotton sheet or blanket to cover you body or not ?
I feel cold.yes i need to sleep under blanket all year.but m not able to eat hot beverages or hot potency food due to pilesthat causes burning to me.

First of all tell about yourself ? Name, age, gender, occupation , life style , body type etc ..

What you like mostly ? Sweets or salts ?
I like sweets.but cannot live widout salt in food.i mean my body requiremnet

What MedicInes you used in past ? Name potencies ?

I have used nux and sulpur 30 from 1 month for burning while passing stool.somehow i feel recovered.but prob comw again.n if i eat any citrus or hot things like ginger or anything ghee.it causes more burning.
I hve used ratanhia and acidum nitrum 30 before nux Nd sulphur but prob still exist

Time of aggravation of symptoms ??
10 days
Riya3 7 years ago

You never answered this question .. I ask again now ..

Do you feel thirsty ? Do you like water .. Do you drink more water ? OR you are thirst less mostly ?

I need quick replies please ..

[Edited by healer21 on 2017-10-04 07:29:02]
healer21 7 years ago
Yes i feel thirsty.i drink more water.even i dont not feel hungry..i drink 13 to 14 glasses per day
Riya3 7 years ago
ne thing i need to tell u.why dis problem occur.actually dis year in may 2017.i got typhoid again within 6 month as first it occur in nov 2016.so i go for naturopathy.dey use to give me enema becz i was suffering from hard stool prob n i have to take allopathic medicine.after that course burning during passage of stool occur.somehow i think any internal fissurre occur due to enema process becoz at that time whole stomach was used to be clean n for passage of stool i have to go two to three times.i have pilesmasses also all around inside rectum.

I hope i explain everything so that good things come out.sir m going to take aesculus 6c and aesculus hip 30 ..if u think any other medicine with it.i can take pls tell me.becz since last 3 month i have tried everything

Earlier i use ratanhia and acidum nitrum for 20 days.
After that sulphur and nux for 1 month.but still burning occur during passage of stool
Riya3 7 years ago

Do you feel pronounced weakness in body ?

Any reports ? You can mail me as well your reports ..

healer21 7 years ago
Yes m week.but month by month feeling beter.but my energy level is low
Riya3 7 years ago
Take Nat.sulph 30c .. liquid form .. .. 3 times a day for two days only ..

4 drops in less than half cup (disposable) of clean water ..stir well drink slowly .. Early morning before breakfast , afternoons, after 2 hours of dinner the last dose ..

after 2 days start taking another medicine in pellet form .. Kali.phos 6x .. 2-3 pellets at a time three times daily .. for one or two days.

Do not eat or drink anything 30 mineuts before or after taking medicine .. Do not use coffee or mint etc do not use that medicine disposable cup for any thing .. Do not do anything which aggravate your symptoms .. this instruction is for all homeopathy medicine .. so remember it for every time you going to take homeopathy remedy.

Do you have bleeding as well ? During stool ?

Follow instructions I'm gonna send in next message CAREFULLY.

Contact after 2-3 days .. note changes ..

[Edited by healer21 on 2017-10-04 23:03:48]
healer21 7 years ago
Girl listen carefully ..

You have a lot of chemicals in body .. those chemicals shouldn't be there ..

Total and complete shut down of all junk food , hoteling, if living in hostile stop everything as well .. no more spicy foods or meat .. not broyler chicken, no aluminium bartans , only mineral water .. the cleanest one .. if using home filter .. change filter after every 1.5 months or 1 month ..

Eat only home made vegitables i.. less spicy everything ..

Total perhaiz tamam badi cheezon se, no more oily foods .. complete shut down of oliy things .. fruits ripen with chemicals , say no to oven as well ... I need 100% of complete shutdown of every thing I told you here for over next 6 months at least ..

Everyone can follow these instructions who is suffering from chronic disease .. Stop all those 5 things ..
(oven, broyler chicken, contaminated water, fruits ripped with chemicals, aluminium pots or bartans ..which are black at the base )


Looking Forward

[Edited by healer21 on 2017-10-04 22:20:44]
healer21 7 years ago
OMG .. I have just noticed that you have used many wrong medicines in the past ..

Hmm ..

A lot of high potencies .. continuously .. Stop all medicines girl .. your case is really a critical one now ..

How you can deal with it ?? I'm really worried about that now after reading your old posts ..

Hmm ..

Very carefully you have to deal with yourself child .. you are really close to a sudden health issue , anything sudden can happen due to heavy medications .. I'm sorry to say that ..

Two medicines in homeopathy, one should not use continuously and in high potency .. 1- sulphur 2- silicea .. if using in high potency repeatedly is equal to calling a sudden crisis .. (I don't want to use other word instead of crisis) this is for every body reading this forum ..

Well let's see ..

I wish the best for you .. that's what I can say .. I'm not happy now .. I need LFT test report now as well ..

[Edited by healer21 on 2017-10-04 23:08:31]
healer21 7 years ago

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