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Cat suffers anxiety - licking until bald


We have a male tuxedo cat, two or three years old who suffers anxiety when we have visitors, especially men and licks himself bald a little more each time someone visits. If new items are brought in the house he acts suspicious of them and proceeds to urinate on the object if he finds it displeasing for whatever reason. Additionally, he likes to eat soft plastics such as grocery bags, sandwich bags, the plastic wrap that covers a case of bottled water, etc and we must work diligently to keep all soft plastics from his reach. Yellow squash & zucchini specifically seem to offend him as well and so he claws and bites them if we leave them out in a vegetable basket so we must keep those in the fridge out of his reach as well. I

When he is not suffering anxiety, he is especially affectionate, tolerant, playful (although he plays a bit too rough with his tuxedo sister much to her dismay) and he is delightfully verbal as he hunts us down for attention or greets us when we enter a room. He doesn't bite humans, although he often takes my hand in his teeth to move it on his body to where he wants me to pet him but he never hurts me in doing so.

Note: He has been on a grain-free catfood for several months as it was suggested to us he might have a grain allergy and this has not improved his condition at all.

If anyone could suggest a remedy for him it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
  homeopathic_meadows on 2017-10-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him Sulphur 30 twice a day for 2 days and see how that affects over 10 days.

One dose means-
Dissolve 1 drop of the remedy in some water and give him few sips.
kadwa 7 years ago

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