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Braxton x Contractions during pregnancy

Hello everybody,
What would help me for bracton x contractions during pregnancy. I dont feel pain, just tightnes in my sides of thebelly.
Thanks in advance
  Dididecho on 2017-10-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give more details. Like which month of pregnancy is it? What are the symptoms related to contractions? Other complaints if there are any? Any miscellaneous details
maheeru 7 years ago
18w, feels like tightness and a little painful in the lower part of the womb.
I get it when I am more active at doing work in my home - cleaning etc. And I get worried and it goes away difficultly, maybe because of my anxiety?
Dididecho 7 years ago

This is insufficient information.

You also mentioned something on another thread like thrombophilia. You need to put all symptoms in one place.

So also add what are the other symptoms, your cravings, aversions, any bettering/worsening factors, something about you as a person, your personality and emotional state.
maheeru 7 years ago
Yes, I have also some mutation towards thrombofilia, tendency to blood clot easily esp in pregnancy. I am hypothyroid too and take hormone.
I like sweet, I would say I am anxious and sometimes nervous.
Like to sleep. I dont what else to say:)
Dididecho 7 years ago

You may take a medicine sepia in 30c/30CH potency----you can order this online if it's not available locally----till then can use 12ch or 15ch. Take one pill/drop as a dose on three consecutive days. Then leave two weeks.

Then again take sepia three doses in the same manner.

Observe changes and report.

When the contractions come, change your position and drink good deal of water. If you had been doing physical work before these contractions take a break and take rest for sometime.
maheeru 7 years ago

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