The ABC Homeopathy Forum
genital warts for a year
Hello world. I have had genital warts for about a year now. I contracted it from a female and I have had them frozen and have used condolox gel. Both have gotten rid of the warts but they come back close to the same spot about once a month. I really would like to cure this and have researched as much as possible. Any help would be great. thanksav8tor on 2006-03-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
you will get cure no doubt. Try causticum 50M one dose and Thuja 200C thrice in a day for a month and report me.
dr.deoshlok sharma
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
I will try to purchase these items but I am in a remote location with the military. Where can I find these meds? Thanks
av8tor last decade
I found a place to order the meds and when you say one dose, does that mean a whole bottle? I am still using the condylox gel but the warts come back close to the same spot the last 4 times. Any suggestions besides the meds? thanks
av8tor last decade
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