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Article on Sexual Increased ( Nymphomania, Hypersexuality, Erotomania )- By Dr. Deoshlok Sharma

Sexual expression is a natural part of a well-rounded life. But if you have an overwhelming need for sex and are so intensely preoccupied with this need that it interferes with your job and your relationships, you may have a problem called compulsive sexual behavior.
You may spend inordinate amounts of time in sexually related activities and neglect important aspects of your day-to-day life in social, occupational and recreational areas. You may find yourself failing repeatedly at attempts to reduce or control your sexual activities or desires.
Health experts use a number of labels for this potentially serious condition. Compulsive sexual behavior is sometimes called hypersexuality, nymphomania or erotomania. Others use the term "sexual addiction," comparing it with the uncontrolled use of a drug. Others argue that it's an issue of impulse control or obsessive-compulsive behavior.
No matter what name is attached to the behavior, compulsive sexual behavior is a very real affliction that interferes with everyday living. Current research indicates that compulsive sexual behavior is most common among men. Treatment may involve individual or with counseling and homoeopathic medications.
1. Moschus- Increase sexual desire without any apparent cause.
2. Platina- Nymphomania (Unbearable desire ) in young girls with premature development of the sexual organs and instinct. This instinct is worst in lying – in – women (during confinement)
3. Asterias Rub- Insatiable craving which is not satisfied ever after coition. Twitching in womb. Pushing out sensation. Great excitement in morning.
4. Hyoscyamus- Has a great sexual craving. Imprudently exposes herself. She indulges in obscene talks.
5. Kali Phos- Sexual excitement in virgin girls who have premature development. The desire for sex becomes intense after each menstrual period.
6. Lilium Tig- Insatiable desire in women with overian complaints. There is voluptuous itchin in the vagina with a feeling of fullness. Increased desire ;must keep busy to suppress it.
7. Origanum-This remedy is indicated in women when the excessive craving drives here to masturbation. Irresistable emotion and impulse. Great sexual irritation and excitement.
8. Lacc. Vacc. Floc. – Sexual desire easily excited when the hand touches the bosom.
9. Natrum Carb – Women can not retain semen after an embrace.
10. Phosphorus – In nymphomania in widows. The excessive desire is due to forced celibacy ( Unmarried life)
11. Tarentula H. –Sexual excitement in hysteria with desire to cry. Pain in uterus , contraction, induration with choking sensation.
12. Murex – The least contact with the parts causes violent sexual excitement.
13. Conium – Induration and enlargement of veries and womb, prolapse of uterus with induratin and ulceration of the cervix, with profuse leucorrhoea All due to suppressed sexual desire.
14. Onosmodium Vir – Sexual desire completely destroyed with or without other uterine troubles such as breaing down pains, cramps, soreness in the uterus. Breast feel swellen and engorged. Take CM Potency.
Regarding this subject or enquiry you can email me without hesitate.
Drr. Deoshlok Sharma
  deoshlok on 2006-03-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

[message deleted by vishnu5 on Wed, 28 Nov 2012 00:21:32 GMT]
vishnu5 last decade
sir i have a question here you mentioned on the bottom of the page about potency for treatment of nymphomania so make it clear CM potency for all remedies which are listed in this list or just for one remedy Onosmodium Vir.its little bit confusing because its written below onosmodium vir.
addicted last decade
Click Deoshlock's name and email him
or calling is better.

Never take a CM potency unless you are
under the care of a Dr. who knows how
to use these high potencies. You will
regret it if you self prescribe.
simone717 last decade
Dear doc if some male person surfaced the high sexual desires. Is salix nigrà can treated it or canabis indica ? If so which Potency ?
suman10 7 years ago

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