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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

acne are back

As I said before I had too much acne and large bumps on my face . I went to a homeopath and as he directed I took hepar sulph 30 and radium bromatum 30 twice a day . few days ago he said that acne process are slowing down so I should take the medicines once a day . but as I started so the bumps start appearing again . what should I do .
[Edited by rshrmawow on 2017-10-21 12:50:38]
  rshrmawow on 2017-10-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Merc Sol 30 and Natrum Mur 30 twice a day for 10 days and see how that affects.
kadwa 7 years ago

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