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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dosage question

I am seeking some help.

I have recently come across the definition of Staphysagria and finally feel I have found something that I profoundly relate to. I have many suppressed emotions and physical symptoms due to this, after a series of traumas and then a virus I developed Chronic fatigue syndrome 5 years ago.

I simply never feel anger in the true sense and thought I was just 'calm' but deep down I really struggle, I cannot express myself to people even those close to me. I am sensitive and easily upset by peoples words that were often not even intended to hurt, I go quiet and do not express that I am hurt. Oftentimes I have no idea what triggered it but I have a sudden shift in mood. I also struggle with excessive sexual desires and yet low libidoand depression and guilt.

I feel I am constantly on the alert, sounds, sights, the postman calling, a car turning up, I am hyper alert and exhausted. I feel like although I am doing nothing wrong I am going to be 'discovered' or 'found out'. Doing what? I have no idea, I just fear people finding something, it is illogical and exhausting me. My mother used to look through my things when I was at school and read my journals, look at my drawings, my only outlet for my feelings. Then she would guilt me for anything slightly disagreeable to her. I often felt disgusted by myself for no real reason. My father was despondant, no emotions, no talking or crying kind of guy. Violent. Borderline. I also have a Borderline sibling.

I am only sharing this here now anonymously so I can finally get some help on this. I have no idea how to remedy this, the dose or frequency and would be so grateful for any and all help. I can't currently afford to see a homeopath due to no funds and fully appreciate all info and help here is there for me to research and not taken as concrete medical advice or diagnosis. Thank you all so much, I hope some one can help guide me. I am not saying Staphysagria is the correct thing I just resonate mostly with the description, but have no idea where to turn next.
[Edited by littlemoth on 2017-11-14 10:32:41]
  littlemoth on 2017-10-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Staphysagaria 200 one dose evening time for three days repeat after 15 days.
akshaymohl 7 years ago
Thank you for your reply. Is this a liquid or pill form? Will symptoms worsen before getting better?
littlemoth 7 years ago
6 globules as one dose or two drops in table spoon of water as one dose.Pl take one dose for three days and donot repeat before 15 days.
akshaymohl 7 years ago
Hi little moth,
No one can predict reactions. Take the doses as prescribed by dr mohla (ashkaymohl) then keep track of your reactions. You need to wait out the 15 days as told,but you can ask questions anytime. You may want to browse drluc.com FAQ on homeopathy, and also google herings law of cure to see what homeopaths look for after dosing.
simone717 7 years ago
Thanks Res Simone for clarification to patient.
akshaymohl 7 years ago
Welcome, Dr.Mohla.
simone717 7 years ago
Thank you very much for your help dr mohla ashkaymoh. I don't know how to post a photo so could I please ask which form of the following I should buy of the 200c ?

Copy and pasted from the website I am purchasing from, I do not understand all the different forms. (I am in the UK)



5% Mother tincture in Aqueous Cream containing: Almond oil, Purified Water, Emulsifying Wax and Borax Non Scented Suitable as an all round skin cream. Moisturising and absorbing.


Made from pure sucrose 250 per gramme (approx) diameter 1.5mm. They are usually used for babies, small children and animals and are soluble in water.

Large Soft tablets

Made from lactose and melt quickly on the tongue. They are usually used for animals and for single dose prescribing. 5 per gramme (approx) diameter 8.5mm

LM granules

Very small sucrose granules. 500 granules = 60mg. They are used by practitioners for patients.

LM liquid (10% alc.)

A 10% alcoholic solution for taking LM potencies orally.

Medicating potency

A high alcohol liquid potency for practitioner use only.

Mother tincture

An alcoholic solution of the raw herbal ingredient. They are usually taken orally as drops in water although some are used for external use only.

Ointment (contains beeswax)

5% Mother Tincture in a non-aqueous oily base containing: Almond Oil and Beeswax. Suitable for raw and sensitive skin conditions.

Ointment (contains lanolin)

5% Mother Tincture in a non-aqueous oily base containing: Almond Oil, Lanolin. Suitable for raw and sensitive skin conditions.

Oral liquid (23% alc.)

A 23% alcohol solution suitable for all potencies.

Pills (No 3)

Round sucrose pills 120 per gram (approx), diameter 2mm.

Pills (No 6)

Round sucrose pills 25 per gram (approx), diameter 3.5mm.

Soft Tablets

Made from lactose and melt quickly on the tongue. 15 per gramme (approx) diameter 5mm.


Made from lactose/sucrose and are tablet shaped. 9 per gramme (approx) diameter 6.5mm.

Thank you.
[Edited by littlemoth on 2017-10-29 08:51:02]
littlemoth 7 years ago
Hi ,
I see you have your case taken by 0antivirus.
You can only have one person at a time supervise and monitor you-
Each homeopath has their own way to start a case.
simone717 7 years ago
Hi thank you but I have not had a reply?
littlemoth 7 years ago
You will get a reply- everyone volunteers their time on here (busy private practices)and not everyone is on everyday. We used to get alerts when people replied or posted but the alerts are not working for some time. That means people have to scroll thru
The entire forum which takes time.

Antivirus will see your details and most probably give a prescription.
Follow only one person and their prescription.
simone717 7 years ago
If you follow dr mohla, get either number 6 pills in 200c potency or get the 200c alcohol dilution.
simone717 7 years ago
Thank you this is all I needed.
littlemoth 7 years ago
Hi Akshaymohl,

I took the one dose Staphysgria daily for 3 days evening time.

It has been 13 days so just checking in so I know what to do when it is day 15.

Things have improved a little. After first dose I didn't notice much, after second dose I felt somewhat more at ease, hard to explain, more comfortable in myself. Day 3 I forgot I had even taken the dose but 20 minutes later got into an argument with husband, this rarely ever happens. FOr the first time I spoke my mind clearly, said things I would usually keep inside. This has continued since taking the doses, not in an angry way, not even in arguements, I am able to speak my mind on a daily basis and it is really liberating and good, although it feels unusual to be so open after so long being quiet.

My libido has been great but I have had no urge at all for onanism which is very unusual for me. What a relief.

I have not really had any physical change, mostly just mental relief, ability to be more open, I feel I still have a long way to go though and the past still haunts me, I have other things suppressed.

Can I take a further dose of Staphysagria, same as before at one dose 200c daily for 3 days?

What do you recommend please? After day 15?
[Edited by littlemoth on 2017-11-14 10:45:42]
littlemoth 7 years ago
Pl take daily one dose for two days and repeat one dose weekly and keep on updating .
akshaymohl 7 years ago

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