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Hairfall dur to excessive mastrubation(stage 1)

hello doctor,
i am 25 and i am experiencing hairfall and U-shape baldness. i mastrubate 3-4 times a week. can we recover them?
i also workout 5 days a week. can you suggest proper shampoo, hair oil and medication?
[Edited by sourav2 on 2018-01-01 04:58:16]
  sourav2 on 2018-01-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
use bhringaraj Q by mixing in mustard oil and apply on head regularly

also take natrum mur 1m 3pills weekly once
take nux vomica 30c 3pills every night
also take tribulus q 10drops in half glass water thrice daily

report feed back after every 15-30days

My email id : drthoufeequebhms at gmail.com
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Thank you! I will start from today itself. any shampoo you would like to suggest?
sourav2 7 years ago
use any arnica shampoo...dont use soap
My email id : drthoufeequebhms at gmail.com
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Ok. and natrum mur 1m is to be taken only once(3 pills) in a week? or once in a day?
[Edited by sourav2 on 2018-01-01 15:48:26]
sourav2 7 years ago

my email id: drthoufeequebhms at gmail.com
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Ok. Thank you! i am taking the meds regularly. I will inform you in every 15 days.
sourav2 7 years ago
Don't masturbate.... otherwise whole life will be destroyed as mine...I have pudendal neuralgia only for masturbation...

Don't do it bro...still u have time.
Anik420 7 years ago
Don't masturbate if you want a happy future. Don't do it more than once a month.
nahom25 7 years ago
Working on it bro! It's down to once in every 15 days
sourav2 7 years ago
Yuss! Working on it
sourav2 7 years ago

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