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Spots on face and neck

Please help with this skin condition. I’ve been getting warts like formation in my whole face and neck. Very small in size but too much in numbet. I tried homepathy twice but it didn’t work. These are ild but now increasing in number with time. Brown and skin color. Attached is a pic.
[Edited by Juzzfokix on 2018-01-16 18:19:37]
  Juzzfokix on 2018-01-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Cant upload picture. Plz share email
Juzzfokix 7 years ago
Please take Thuja 30 and Causticum 30 twice a day for 15 days and report back.

One dose means 2 pills each of both remedies at a time.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thank you. Will update in 15 days.
Juzzfokix 7 years ago
Can this also be taken with water instea of pill form? If yes then how? I am getting this in liquid form online.

Thanks in advance
Juzzfokix 7 years ago
Please put 2 drops (1 drop each of both remedies) in some 15 ml water and sip water slowly.
[Edited by kadwa on 2018-01-22 04:57:59]
kadwa 7 years ago
Thank you Dr.! Will update soon.
Juzzfokix 7 years ago

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