The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Staphisagria - pls suggest the correct dosage
i will be having my second baby in a few weeks. for my last baby, the episiotomy brought about severe pain for several days which made my life miserable. i read somewhere that Staphisagria may bring about relief for such cases. can someone please recommend a dosage for this medicine? do i need to start taking it as soon as labor start or do i take it after the procedure? how many times do i take this medicine and what potency?thank you.
nineclouds on 2006-03-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
episiotomy ?..well would been better to give pulsatila from about 7 days before expectation date...this will most times allow enough stretch and smooth deliver --as along as no know causayive reason for for trauma of the cut from episiotomy --this not just effect you but baby (in womb)--all you experienc eis part of baby experience---if pain too sever now from cut --if painful to touch and not severe bleeding then dose (2 pellst) arnica 30c..if no change next daygive dose (2 pellets) arnica back if neither give effect --this safest so not push advance of birthing--no need interrupt natural flow --as with decision for episiotomy ----
week befor due date dose (1 only) pulsatilla 30c...
week befor due date dose (1 only) pulsatilla 30c...
♡ John Stanton last decade
It is better it take staph after delivery.The potency is 6c,5 drops mixed in a little water four time daily.
sajjadakram635 last decade
yes, i was planning to take arnica too. i will also keep the pulsatilla 30c ready. how much of this do i take?
and i already have staph with me. i guess i will take it after delivery. i hope these medicines will not interfere with my decission to breast feed.
thank you both for replying.
and i already have staph with me. i guess i will take it after delivery. i hope these medicines will not interfere with my decission to breast feed.
thank you both for replying.
nineclouds last decade
dont worry about staph---for situation thta alreday occured --if able to deal with it now---take puls 30 1 week before due and puls 200c as soon as labour other remedies after or birthing---will find need no spinal tap either--NO LET doc push that on you---if your feeling right---also NO LET USE forceps or hurry---puls will help this enough---IF complication then another story--email me or post here- yet time may not be in favor ----puls wont bother brest feeding --encourage right flow as long as you (mother ) is in fit stae of health alreayd and not taking any meds at this time---mother's state of health must be considered strongly---this help speculate what may occur ---no certainty but helpful to know...
♡ John Stanton last decade
how much of pulsatillia should i take BEFORE delivery? do i take it everyday from one week early?
pls recommend the dosage. also pls advise on how much pulsatilla 200c should i take AFTER delivery. Do i take it one time and then stop or do i take it for a couple of days.
than you, waiting for your reply.
pls recommend the dosage. also pls advise on how much pulsatilla 200c should i take AFTER delivery. Do i take it one time and then stop or do i take it for a couple of days.
than you, waiting for your reply.
nineclouds last decade
just single dose (2pellets) pulsatilla--week before---no repeat at all
when labour commences (first sign) then singl;e dose (2 pellets) pulsatilla repetition at all...yet much depends on response to labour and what comes up during---puls alos help set baby up for proper delivery position---wont need episiotomy with puls--and dont let doc rush things--if you in good health---puls and that alone will get you through withoutr intervention---yet as said much depends on your state of well right --relax--
knock off the fatty foods at this time--may find milk chocolate give some problem----as well reduce acidic food intake...nothing drastic just modify diet as suggested..
when labour commences (first sign) then singl;e dose (2 pellets) pulsatilla repetition at all...yet much depends on response to labour and what comes up during---puls alos help set baby up for proper delivery position---wont need episiotomy with puls--and dont let doc rush things--if you in good health---puls and that alone will get you through withoutr intervention---yet as said much depends on your state of well right --relax--
knock off the fatty foods at this time--may find milk chocolate give some problem----as well reduce acidic food intake...nothing drastic just modify diet as suggested..
♡ John Stanton last decade
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