The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Lycopodium clavatum 50 M and Nat mur 6x
Hi,I need to take one dose of lycopodium 50M(only once) after that Nat mur 6x four tablets four times a day.
I m taking both lyco and Nat mur for mental symptoms. I thought should take doctor's advise before starting the dose.
Please help me regarding below questions.
1.) Does Nat mur antidote lyco? If yes then how can we take these medicines safely.
2.) What should be the minimum gap for Nat mur 6x after taking such a big dose of lycopodium.
Amit123 on 2018-01-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
organon of medicine (by Samuel Hahnemann (founder homoeopathy)) is guide to homoeopathic and to be reflected upon
.one singl e med is to be used and observe response.and access from that new view..more than one med .will not know what med does what ...i suggest you read organon..take time read...since being treated with homoeopathy .best you know guidelines...
.one singl e med is to be used and observe response.and access from that new view..more than one med .will not know what med does what ...i suggest you read organon..take time read...since being treated with homoeopathy .best you know guidelines...
♡ John Stanton 7 years ago
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