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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acute Hair Loss

I am 41 year old female and have been suffering from telegen effluvium from 2014. Despite taking allopathic treatment for two years there has been no improvement. In fact hair loss has aggravated even more.
Hair loss started in 2014 following two subsequent miscarriages within the same year. Ever since my hair fall has never stopped. I have lost almost 80% of my hair though there are no bald patches on my scalp.
Have had blood tests done every six months. Tests have shown Hb levels, Vit D and Vit B12 on the lower side.
Hb is 11.9, Total Vit D is 23.5 and B12 is 297. Despite taking iron and vIt D supplements, there has been no improvement in hair fall. In fact hair is falling at even faster rate.
I use paraben free baby shampoo for washing my hair. I do not use oil as oiling worsens the hair fall.
I lose almost 50 strands everyday and around 100-150 strands after washing. The amount of hair fall exacerbates from June till December where average hair fall daily is 100 strands and 300 strands after washing.
I eat healthy food : Includes salads, fruits, lentils , nuts and dates on daily basis. Apart from that oats, eggs, kidney beans, chickpeas etc too.
I exercise five days a week for 20-30 minutes. Form last six months i have been drinking beetroot and gooseberry juice after exercising but to no avail.

I have been in despair ever since and am quite depressed due to my hair. Please help.
  SS76 on 2018-02-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
day 1 to day 3
Natrum Mur 200 twice a day.

day 4 to day 15
Acid Phos 30 in evening.

One dose means 2 pills or drops.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dr kadwa can u pls help me

pls see my case
mAn85 7 years ago
Thank you so much doctor.
Will keep you posted with the results after 15 days of medication.

SS76 7 years ago
Dr. Kadwa

I have completed the 15 day course as prescribed by you.
Though there are no significant changes in hairfall pattern.

Please suggest the next course of action.

SS76 7 years ago
Please repeat the course and report back.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Dr. Kadwa,
I have a few queries on the current condition of my hair:

1. My hair and scalp are dry as I do not use oil. Applying oil causes more shedding of hair. Is there anything else I can apply on the scalp to moisturize it?
2. Are there any topical solutions available in homeopathy that I can use to arrest hair fall and stimulate hair growth?
3. I got my blood tests done last week and protein, iron, total iron binding capacity and Vit B12 are all in the mid point values of required range. There is no deficiency except in VitD which is 28.5 (min requirement is 30). Can only VitD deficiency cause such extreme hair fall?
4. My total cholesterol is 226 which is above the required value of 200. Though i was prescribed a tablet for cholesterol but I read that cholesterol medication can increase hair fall. Can I instead take garlic along with water in the morning? Considering that raw onion and garlic are not supposed to be consumed while taking homeopathic medicines. I do eat healthy, no fried food, use canola oil for cooking, and exercise too.
5. Can stress alone be the reason for hair fall? Iam extremely sensitive person and have the habit of feeling stressed every time. Last three years were quite stressful as I was pursuing PhD which I recently finished. But now again I have started feeling sad and depressed as Iam currently without a job. I was working till 2015 and left a highly paying job, shifting to a new place because of my husband and have been currently searching for a job. Are there some medications to elevate the mood? I also joined a dance class for that matter but I have been feeling unhappy again.

Please help doctor.
SS76 6 years ago
Please take aurum mur 30 in evening for 15 days and report back,
You may take garlic for cholesterol. It won't have any adverse impact on homeopathic treatment.
kadwa 6 years ago
Thank you doctor Kadwa. Is the dosage same as for previous medication - 2 drops?
And it has to be taken in addition to acid phos 30?

SS76 6 years ago
Yes, dose is 2 drops. Please stop Acid Phos.
kadwa 6 years ago
Thank you doctor.
Will report after 15 days.

SS76 6 years ago
Dear Dr. Kadwa,

I have completed the course of aurum mur as prescribed by you. I have noticed the following

1. Hair fall has reduced by around 10%. Daily hair fall is around 20-30 strands but on the day of head bath, i lose around 70-80 strands.
2. Very peculiar effect that I have noticed is that the palms of my hands have become extremely hard.
3. Burning sensation in the stomach occasionally.

Please suggest follow up medication.

Shiwani Saini
SS76 6 years ago
Please take Lycopodium 30 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over 15 days.

One dose means 2 pills or drops.
kadwa 6 years ago
Thank you so much doctor.
Do I need to take this medicine for 3 days only?

Warm Regards
SS76 6 years ago
Dear Dr. Kadwa,

I have finished the course of Lycopodium 30. I didn't find much reduction in hair loss.

Hair fall on daily basis is around 15 strands, which increases to around 60-70 strands on washing every third day in a week.
Doctor Iam worried because earlier during Feb-May, I used to experience only 10-20 strands falling off on washing.
Hair fall worsens again from June and the number of strands falling off almost triples.
Please help doctor.

SS76 6 years ago
kadwa said Please take Lycopodium 30 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over 15 days.

One dose means 2 pills or drops.

Dear Dr Kadwa,
As per your advice, I have finished the course of Lycopodium 30.
I didn't find any significant reduction in hair loss.

Hair fall on daily basis is around 15 strands, which increases to around 60-70 strands on washing every third day in a week.
Doctor Iam worried because earlier during Feb-May, I used to experience only 10-20 strands falling off on washing.
Hair fall worsens again from June and the number of strands falling off almost triples.
Doctor please advise if I can apply any topical solution for stimulating hair regrowth as well as reducing hair fall.

Also are any supplements available in Homeopathy which can be taken for hair growth?

SS76 6 years ago

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