The ABC Homeopathy Forum
12m girl and Causticum 30ch
Hi.My daughter got prescribed 2 pellets a day of Caust. 30CH as for a long time she wakes up several times during the night and has some tension (head a bit closer to right arm). She got first doses of Staphysagria 30CH that day, too.
After first dose she woke up as she was very scared of everything and didn't want to fall asleep crying for 3 hours. Before that she woke up, got soother or breast and fell asleep, now nothing worked.
Is there a remedy for that?
She is a very loving child, likes to cuddle and screams when need sth (3yo sister).
I appreciate your feedback.
[Edited by Granicus on 2018-02-07 07:46:46]
Granicus on 2018-02-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Kali.phos 30c .... 4 drops three times a day for two days only. In a separate disposable glass with some water in it.
Don't eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after taking medicine etc don't use coffee or mint etc don't place medicine near strong perfumes etc.
[moderated. please keep discussions on the forum]
Don't eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after taking medicine etc don't use coffee or mint etc don't place medicine near strong perfumes etc.
[moderated. please keep discussions on the forum]
♡ healer21 7 years ago
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