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facing problem from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation
Hi everyone,from last 5-6 months I am facing problem of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation and I also lost complete feeling of having sex.
In medication I am taking R41 and nux-vomica from last 2 months but it didn't help me in any way.
Eventhough I am fit , doing exercise everyday, eating almost healthy food but not sure why it happened.
I am also smoking not much only 1-2 in a day and I am also involved in sex with my wife but also not so much like 2-3 times a week . previously I was masturbating but now I before having this problem I left it completely.
please help me with some homeopathic medicine as I am in lot of stress after knowing this that I am feeling low in erection.
your help is highly appreciated, Thanks
raj40016117 on 2018-02-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ drjitesh 7 years ago
Hello dr Jitesh,
Thanks for considering my case .
I have a question - do I need to take 4 drops directly on my tongue or do I need to mix that with water and then have.please suggest
Regards, Kislay
[Edited by raj40016117 on 2018-02-10 20:04:57]
Thanks for considering my case .
I have a question - do I need to take 4 drops directly on my tongue or do I need to mix that with water and then have.please suggest
Regards, Kislay
[Edited by raj40016117 on 2018-02-10 20:04:57]
raj40016117 7 years ago
Hi Dr Jitesh,
As per your instruction I started taking SELINIUM 10M from 13th feb but I am very sorry to say that it is not giving me the desired results. At the max I can say that only 5% I am benifited with this medicine.
First of all my complete desire of having sex is gone. Even with this sexual imagination or activity I am not getting the erection automatically. I have to try hard to get the erection and as soon as I left using my hands the erection is going immediately.
From The time you prescribed the medicine I am neither having sex nor masturbated but still I found very less progress in my condition.
I think my libido and testorone level is almost gone because I am not getting feeling of having sex is completely gone but previously it was not the case . As soon as I m thinking anything related to this or if I was watching porn I gets the erection but this feeling is completely vanished in me. I feel very shame in front of my wife because I have to give different reasons for not having sex.
Please help me to recover this asap . For this I will be highly grateful to u.
Also let me know if any more details is required from my end for this treatment.
Thanking u in advance & waiting for your response.
As per your instruction I started taking SELINIUM 10M from 13th feb but I am very sorry to say that it is not giving me the desired results. At the max I can say that only 5% I am benifited with this medicine.
First of all my complete desire of having sex is gone. Even with this sexual imagination or activity I am not getting the erection automatically. I have to try hard to get the erection and as soon as I left using my hands the erection is going immediately.
From The time you prescribed the medicine I am neither having sex nor masturbated but still I found very less progress in my condition.
I think my libido and testorone level is almost gone because I am not getting feeling of having sex is completely gone but previously it was not the case . As soon as I m thinking anything related to this or if I was watching porn I gets the erection but this feeling is completely vanished in me. I feel very shame in front of my wife because I have to give different reasons for not having sex.
Please help me to recover this asap . For this I will be highly grateful to u.
Also let me know if any more details is required from my end for this treatment.
Thanking u in advance & waiting for your response.
raj40016117 6 years ago
Hi dr Jitesh,
As suggested by you I was taking Lycopodium 30 M from last 20 days and below are my observations:
I dont see much improvement in my condition but still some improvements are there like previously during moring time i was not getting erection but now i m getting erection someday but not every everyday and the erection was also not like what i used to get earlier.
2nd improvement what i noticed is like sometimes i get erection if such thought comes in my mind and this is very rarely but previously i used to get erection everytime if such thought comes in my mind.
Please suggest something so that i can come out of this problem.
I have 2 questions:
Is this problem curable.. can i get once again my Normal sex life back??
Can I do sex while I am taking this medication ??because from the day I have started medication from u I m not having sex.
One last thing I am feeling very weak physically due to this also I suppose I completely lost my interest in having sex . Could you please suggest some medicine for this also because I was thinking ki may be this will also improve my condition.
Request you to kindly look into my issue and suggest me something that will help me more in getting my condition better with proper dosage and how to take .
For this I will be highly grateful to you.please help
Me to come Out of this problem.
Regards, Raj
As suggested by you I was taking Lycopodium 30 M from last 20 days and below are my observations:
I dont see much improvement in my condition but still some improvements are there like previously during moring time i was not getting erection but now i m getting erection someday but not every everyday and the erection was also not like what i used to get earlier.
2nd improvement what i noticed is like sometimes i get erection if such thought comes in my mind and this is very rarely but previously i used to get erection everytime if such thought comes in my mind.
Please suggest something so that i can come out of this problem.
I have 2 questions:
Is this problem curable.. can i get once again my Normal sex life back??
Can I do sex while I am taking this medication ??because from the day I have started medication from u I m not having sex.
One last thing I am feeling very weak physically due to this also I suppose I completely lost my interest in having sex . Could you please suggest some medicine for this also because I was thinking ki may be this will also improve my condition.
Request you to kindly look into my issue and suggest me something that will help me more in getting my condition better with proper dosage and how to take .
For this I will be highly grateful to you.please help
Me to come Out of this problem.
Regards, Raj
raj40016117 6 years ago
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