The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Optic Nerve damaged due to Benign Tumor
Hello everyone.My name is Amit, I am 16 years old. I live in Ontario, Canada.
I need some advice from you all, I would like to know if there are any Homeopathic remedies or medicines to heal my damaged optic nerve.
I was diagnosed with a benign tumor (under my left eye, about the size of a golf ball) early 2015, followed by the surgery that took place in November, 2015. Before the diagnosis, I never knew I had a tumor, I just couldn't breathe well from my left nose, and I never closed my right eye to check my vision with my left eye and vice versa. After the surgery I could breathe perfectly well again, and stayed in hospital recovering for 5-7 days. I noticed that my left eye's vision never came back. I have visited many doctors regarding the vision of my left eye, but they all say the same thing; "Due to the tumor pressing on your optical nerve, it has damaged your vision and it may never come back again". I know this is somewhat true, but that doesn't mean that a damaged optical nerve cannot be fixed (at least in my opinion). Although my vision isn't getting worse I would still like to fix it and restore it back to normal. I am requesting from all of you, to pitch in and advise me what Homeopathic medicine or remedy can help me restore the vision of my left eye. I would very much appreciate everyone's help in this matter.
Yours truly,
amit.saxena on 2018-02-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Staphysagria 30 in evening for 15 days and see how that affects over a month.
One dose means 2 pills or drops.
One dose means 2 pills or drops.
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
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