The ABC Homeopathy Forum
constantly running nose and cough
Hello,I am new in this forum and I would like to ask you. My son has discharge from nose already 3 weeks. And it seems nothing can't stop it. It started from temperature 101.3. I gave him Viburcol and then Paracetomol. He felt better but aftewards he got this running nose and cough. Cough was absolutely terrible. He woke around 1 AM coughing till vomiting. I gave him this mixture:"Per 100 g : Antimonium sulfuratum auratum D6 5 g, Bryonia alba D3 5 g, Drosera rotundifolia D3 5 g, Eucalyptus globulus D3 5 g, Ipecacuanha D4 5 g, Spongia tosta D6 5 g, in siroopbasis. Alcohol 1,7 % (v/v)." When he wakes up it's yellowish-white and then during day it's transparent, waterish. He also has rattling cough which starts after he wakes up in the morning and goes through day. I gave him on Saturday 2 times 1 ball of Ant Tart30C and yesterday in the morning Chamomilla 30C one ball 3 times. Please, help me to help him.
olgita on 2006-03-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pleae give him arsenic alb 30C daily one doses at morning for a week and report to me.
dr.deoshlok sharma
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
Dear dr. Sharma,
thanks a lot! It seems like my son's running nose much better and his coughing is subsiding. arsenic alb helps. But now he has crusts on lashes after night sleep which are yellow-greenish.
thanks a lot again, olga
thanks a lot! It seems like my son's running nose much better and his coughing is subsiding. arsenic alb helps. But now he has crusts on lashes after night sleep which are yellow-greenish.
thanks a lot again, olga
olgita last decade
now you can give merc viv 30c for a week for above complain and report me after a week
dr.deoshlok sharma
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
Dear dr. Sharma,
my son's became better, there is no crusts on his eyes but rather something more yellow liquid. His coughing is also improved. He tries to expectorate, once he even succeeded, with mucus. Also he has difficulties to breathe through nose starting from 6AM and has difficulty with breatfeeding in this time of the day, his sleep becomes more restless. Although this state improves within an hour after he wakes up.
Thanks a lot for help, olga
my son's became better, there is no crusts on his eyes but rather something more yellow liquid. His coughing is also improved. He tries to expectorate, once he even succeeded, with mucus. Also he has difficulties to breathe through nose starting from 6AM and has difficulty with breatfeeding in this time of the day, his sleep becomes more restless. Although this state improves within an hour after he wakes up.
Thanks a lot for help, olga
olgita last decade
I forgot to mention, may it's important. He sneezes during day. He scrubs eyes like they are itchy.
olgita last decade
Dear dr. Sharma,
Cough is almost gone, my son coughs once a day, after waking up in the morning. It seems like he expectorates something and swallows it. His nose is ok, but he still has crusts inhis eyes in the morning, in inner corners. Although it's not much.
Thanks again very much for help, olga
Cough is almost gone, my son coughs once a day, after waking up in the morning. It seems like he expectorates something and swallows it. His nose is ok, but he still has crusts inhis eyes in the morning, in inner corners. Although it's not much.
Thanks again very much for help, olga
olgita last decade
My daughter, 2 years old is suffering from cough and cold continously from last month.
She is fair, very active, enjoys the company for people. But if there is no one to play with her she clings to me. Earlier last month she had cold with white watery discharge and congestion as if in the throat. I gave her a dose of NuxVom 200 before bed as she had a blocked nose at night only. one dose of arsenic in the morning . the cold did subside but has started troubling her since last week more with a dry cough and watery discharge from the nose. I gave her ipecac for two days as this started up after i took her out on a ride and she has vomiting after a gag. I followed it with spongia and Hepar Sulp3x to loosen the cough. It is cold here in Nepal. Now the vomiting has stopped but she still has cough. She coughs a lot in the morning after she wakes up. otherwise she has a good nights sleep with some restlessness due to blockage of nose. She goes to a daycare, may be that's where she catches all the cough and cold. Please suggest what shall i do to make my daughter ok. Looking forward to get a quick help from you.
She is fair, very active, enjoys the company for people. But if there is no one to play with her she clings to me. Earlier last month she had cold with white watery discharge and congestion as if in the throat. I gave her a dose of NuxVom 200 before bed as she had a blocked nose at night only. one dose of arsenic in the morning . the cold did subside but has started troubling her since last week more with a dry cough and watery discharge from the nose. I gave her ipecac for two days as this started up after i took her out on a ride and she has vomiting after a gag. I followed it with spongia and Hepar Sulp3x to loosen the cough. It is cold here in Nepal. Now the vomiting has stopped but she still has cough. She coughs a lot in the morning after she wakes up. otherwise she has a good nights sleep with some restlessness due to blockage of nose. She goes to a daycare, may be that's where she catches all the cough and cold. Please suggest what shall i do to make my daughter ok. Looking forward to get a quick help from you.
SBasnet last decade
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