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Dr Kadwa, Low appetite, fear, anger, gums hurt

8 year old, older twin boy, little over 4 feet tall, 53 pounds, thin built, active, very creative. He has very low appetite, eats very little, likes to eat healthy things like salad, green veggies. Prefers salty over sweet. Prefers cold drinks, says warm milk makes him feel like throwing up. Complains about pain around belly button, has been taking probiotics for last 3 weeks and have not complained about the pain. He eats breakfast alright, never finsihes lunch (most of the times only takes one bite), most of the times cannot finish his dinner either ( eats about half as much as his twin brother can).

He is very afraid of been alone, does not like to go upstairs to his room alone. Constantly checks if i (his mother) is there, will continuously call out to make sure I haven’t gone anywhere. Want someone close by when going to take a shower. At night wants me to sleep near him. He also gets very angry ( so angry that he wants to hit the person he is angry with, and starts to cry with big tears rolling down) he gets very defensive. Does not like to be wrong, possesive of his things/ toys. Does not like to share with his brother. He wants things that only belong to him (as a twin has had to share too much i guess, especially my attention).
He does not brush his teeth properly, his gums hurt and has cavities. His front two teeth are not straight and are sensitive to cold things.
[Edited by DKS on 2018-02-13 17:43:38]
  DKS on 2018-02-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him belladonna 30 and carbo veg 30 twice a day for 10 days and report back.

One dose means 2 pills each of both remedies at a time.
kadwa 7 years ago
Can i give both at the same time, no time in between?
DKS 7 years ago
kadwa 7 years ago
Hello Dr Kadwa,
The recommended remedies have made some difference on appetite, he has been eating his lunch now many of the times. Cannot say much about fear ( may have made some difference as he goes to take a shower by himself during daytime sometimes) but still afraid to be alone. Does get angry but sometimes acts very mature.

What is the next step?

Thank you very much for all your help!
[Edited by DKS on 2018-03-08 03:33:53]
DKS 7 years ago
Please continue with the same remedies for another 15 days.
kadwa 6 years ago
Hello Dr Kadwa,

There has not been any new changes after the 15 days. Kind of the same as my last post. Seems to be stable there now.
DKS 6 years ago
Please give him Pulsatilla 30 in evening for 10 days and report back. Please stop other remedies.
[Edited by kadwa on 2018-03-22 04:45:20]
kadwa 6 years ago

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