The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sensitive Plantar wart on both the feet
Hi,i had quite a few warts on palm of my hands. the same were removed using RF treatment in Oct-17. i subsequently felt there were two big warts in the sole of the feet. RF was done. however, they became bigger and the affected finger became swollen and tender. then cryo was done with 3-4 sittings. still the virus has come back and its expanding. walking and running is very difficult and the affected areas are very sore.
also, rt now suffering with sinus like symptoms with nasal congestion. yelloisng phelgem is turning green with bad taste. had been taken aconite and then gelsemium -30. No fever, tiredness is there . very thirsty. feel like the tongue is coated. slowly the congestion is going tot he chest with little heaviness coming. the col like situation started in last 4 days.
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Scorpio1980 on 2018-02-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Kali mur 6x + Nat sulph 6x before meals
Silica 8x + Nat mur 6x after meals
A solution of ALL these salts may be applied in night for entire night. Dissolve 2 tabs of each in 2 table spoonfuls of warm water and apply.
If these help please report after 10 days.
Silica 8x + Nat mur 6x after meals
A solution of ALL these salts may be applied in night for entire night. Dissolve 2 tabs of each in 2 table spoonfuls of warm water and apply.
If these help please report after 10 days.
jawahar 7 years ago
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