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Bioplasma cell salts

Can you take a homeopathic remedy ontop of taking this for a multivitamin? And I'm confused on how someone could take bioplasma because it's so many different remedies...could someone explain?
  Mommamisty on 2018-02-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
First there are 12 cell salts. Dr schuessler developed
The use of these salts around the time of Hahnemann.
The salts represent what at the time was thought to be present in all our cells.

The theory is if the cells are balanced we will be healthy. They are NOT
A vitamin - the bioplasma is all the salts in one tab. One does not take this everyday, bc some salts you may not need at all and you will unbalance yourself.Some people when run down take the
Bioplasma for a week or two and then stop.

It is better to take the salt or salts indicated for
Your problem and you use them for a few days
And lower the doses as you get better and then stop when well.

Part of the theory is that if you use salts at the start of a problem
The problem will not escalate into a larger issue.
I would not take salts while on a remedy, see what the remedy does.
Sometimes a remedy clears a layer and after taking
Depending on the case one can take specific salts
Which may finish restoring balance without another
Remedy .

If you want to use them, I would buy the 12 salts in
6x and use a book that explains how along with
A thousand conditions and the salts indicated.

My family uses them often. For instance , if you notice a cold on the first day, taking several doses of ferrum phos often makes it go in 24 hours.
Recently I had the flu, and Ferrum Phos and And nat sulph are indicated for recovery after the flu. I found immediate relief and more energy to heal by using for a few days.
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-02-19 15:44:30]
simone717 7 years ago
Interesting. I ordered the bioplasma cause I am tired all the time and having multiple other issues and figured maybe that would help as a whole better and be more cost effective. Well at least I have them I suppose. Lol
Mommamisty 7 years ago
I find using the specific indicated salts works really well and much better than bioplasma. Natural Healing with Cell Salts by dr Skye weintraub is
Cheap on amazon and is a very user friendly guide on conditions and what to use for adults and children.
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-02-19 15:55:30]
simone717 7 years ago
Thanks I'll have to check that out. Thank you for responding. :)
Mommamisty 7 years ago
One more question I know I am supposed to keep them away from electrical current and strong smells can i keep them in aluminum foil to keep them protected as a precaution
Mommamisty 7 years ago
I stay away from aluminum everything. I keep mine in a basket for years
And no problems .
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-02-19 19:00:44]
simone717 7 years ago

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