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Premature Ejaculation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Premature ejaculation problem or some more

Hey sir,
I am 22 year old guy. As I do masturbation sometimes but now I feel weakness and when i talk to my girlfriend and watch some adult content so some drops comes out from my penis. I have premature ejaculation problem. While getting intimated I start shaking... Plz tell me shaking is weakens or over excitement... Plz suggest some solutions.. To remove these... I am scared about my coming life...plz tell me
What medicine should I take and how to take that medicine how many times in a day...

Really I will be very thankful to you...
  Oickie on 2018-02-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can try Medorrhinum 1M .. 2 drops only. One does only. No more no repeat etc. In a new separate disposable glass with some water in it.

Don't eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after taking medicine etc don't use coffee or mint or any other medicine etc don't place medicine near strong perfumes etc. Click my name below to see the profile details.
healer21 7 years ago
Medicine have to take night time or any time in a day? Actually I forgot to tell you that I discharge in a minute... 🙁
Oickie 7 years ago
Did I mentioned knight time ?
healer21 7 years ago
Yeah you didn't mention that's why I asked because it should be clear before taking...
Oickie 7 years ago
Oickie said Yeah you didn't mention that's why I asked because it should be clear before taking...
Means i can take it any time?
Oickie 7 years ago
Did I mentioned any specific timing for medicine ? If it is not at knight ?? You can click my name below to check out my profile details etc
[Edited by healer21 on 2018-02-24 02:55:59]
healer21 7 years ago
Hm thanks for your kind advice... I gonna try this medicine from today... But is there any course duration?
Oickie 7 years ago
Oickie said Hm thanks for your kind advice... I gonna try this medicine from today... But is there any course duration?
Is there any side effects?
Oickie 7 years ago
Can't say anything at the moment about anything.
healer21 7 years ago
So when you are not sure about side effects, now I am in doubt to have it or not...

What about selenium 30?
[Edited by Oickie on 2018-02-24 09:23:05]
Oickie 7 years ago
Don't know. You can try.
healer21 7 years ago
Ohk... Thank you for advice...
Oickie 7 years ago

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