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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Guinea Pgi with Straining/Constipation and Bladder Infection


I have a guinea pig who is suffering from a bladder / urinary tract infection.

Originally she had the symptom  of very offensive smelling urine - in fact before I noticed any pink/blood in her urine I smelled the very strong smell from her cage -  I didn’t know what it meant or that it was a symptom of anything - i thought it was just a dirty cage.

After that symptom came blood in the urine which is when I figured out it was an infection.  She had had some bleeding in her urine before (not with the strong odour or not that I had noticed) and that went away with a few doses of staphysagria so I tried it again.  This time the bleeding diminished again and when I stopped the dosing the blood came back so I restarted staphysagria and the  and the blood and the offensive odour decreased daily.

Today, however, she started squeaking loudly in pain when passing urine (which was barely tinged pink if at all) and also straining - her sides stiff and tight as if trying to pass stool (constipated).

While she had the odour and bleeding I didn’t hear or see her straining when trying to pass stool or urine but this started today - and I thought since she was straining perhaps she was constipated so after having given her dose of staphysagria I gave her nux vomica for what I thought was constipation because she hadn’t had too many vegetables over the past few days and that can cause a guinea pig to be constipated especially if they aren’t drinking which she hadn’t been as much I don’t think.

By the afternoon she had passed a few stool and didn’t squeak as much in pain but it started up being worse at night again - her symptoms were always worse during the night - more bleeding and now more urination and straining - and squeaking in pain.

She is red and sore in her genital area (urinary area) and the whole area did seem swollen before today - today it seemed less swollen but more red - baking soda bathing and lying on a heating pad with a castor oil pack seemed to alleviate the pain as long as she wasn’t having to urinate/strain at the time.

I have dosed her with nux vomica over the day and once more with staphysagria in desperation.  It is very difficult to hear her in such pain and I can’t think of what to do.

I have read arsenicum album might be good for a uti that is worse at night and improved by warm packs - but she doesn’t seem restless or chilly which were other symptoms mentioned.  I’m also not quite sure if she likes the warmth or just the comfort of being held.  Tonight she had to urinate and strained while on the warmth anyway so it was hard to tell.

And right now, most importantly, I think, she's straining and crying out a lot but passing no urine or stool.  It's like she has an urge but nothing comes - not pee or poo - and it's happening a lot - every few minutes - or 10 minutes at the most apart, I think.

I don’t want to jump around with the remedies and I would like an advice to know if I might be on the right track and the healing will just take some time or if there is something I haven’t considered.

I find it odd that she seems in more pain now without bleeding and the offensive odour which seem like worse signs of infection than when she had those symptoms.  I know there can be pain when bowel movements come while having a uti because of pressure on bladder etc - and maybe she’s drinking more so she has to urinate more - or the area of her genitals is just very sore so she cries from that - but I am not certain why there would be more pain now.

I would really appreciate some advice and guidance.  I'd try to get her to a vet but there aren't any nearby that treat guinea pigs - and it's midnight here so it's not really an option at the moment.

Thank you.
  gochmari on 2018-02-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try mercurius 30c for her and see if there is improvement.
maheeru 7 years ago
I have had experiences with u t i using a remedy where
Symptoms seemed to be gone or diminished. Then later got different pain
And went to dr for tests and found my infection was very bad, the remedy
Just palliated it. Hope merc sol helps your pet and you are able to get to a vet soon.
simone717 7 years ago

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