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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Baby sleep issue/silent acid reflux?

Please can you help me to work out what to do with my baby's sleep. We tried pretty much everything but he still wakes up around 8 times a night. He did sleep through 3 times in his life (he's 10 months today). My boy was treated for reflux with Ranitidine for 3 months but I feel like it doesn't help as it makes him spit up more (docs say it's not possible but he doesn't spit up at all now that I've taken him off it). He's exclusively breastfed, perfect birth, 9 apgar then 10, drinks A LOT of milk (he was born 4kg 740gr) and eats a lot of solids now. I give him pro biotics and Vit D. Our diet excludes eggs and milk. He has 2 naps a day (30 min and an hour and 30 or so in the afternoon)... then in bed at 7/7.30. We have a bedtime routine. I tried to sleep train my boy and he was falling asleep on his own for 3 months but he kept waking up still and crying really hard so I'm feeding him to sleep now and he rarely hysterically cries when he wakes up at night. He starts off the night in his cot and then I take him in bed with me when I got to bed as he wakes up really easily and he sleeps in our room. During the night he wakes up, starts fussing and asks for milk, has some then pulls off then he can get some more, pull off again, then some more... then falls asleep, sleeps for an hour maybe two (sometimes 15/20min) and then does the fussing again. There are times when he would just fall back asleep without feeding and if I just cuddle him really tightly. During the day when he wakes up it's like he's jumping up straight away - he's not crying though. Only to call for me if I'm not in the room. He's generally happy, clever, very communicative, loves play. Although has some funny habits - like frequent twirling of his wrists and feet, sudden shouting, getting super excited at the sight of trains... Please can you help us to get some more sleep? Is it reflux still?
  Matreshka on 2018-02-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Any other problems ? Like loose motion or constipation or etc.

Please select only one option from below "WHICH SUITS THE PATIENT MAXIMUM" how you, your family, friends see the patient :

1- indecisiveness .. 2- apathy .. 3- laziness ..
4- isolation .. 5- nervous tension .. 6- scary dreams .. 7- impulsiveness .. 8- shyness, hypersensitivity .. 10- depression ..
11- low self-esteem ... 12- depression from wet weather.

You can click my name below to check out my profile details etc.
[Edited by healer21 on 2018-02-26 00:05:04]
healer21 7 years ago
Thank you for getting back to me.
He has very dry skin and some dry rough patches on his neck, face and torso. He gets constipated regularly but more often his stools are fine (a little on loose side for the past week or so)
Matreshka 7 years ago
You can try Nat.phos 30c .. 2 drops twice a day for one or two days only in a new separate disposable glass with some water in it.

Don't eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after taking medicine etc don't place medicine near strong perfumes etc.

You can find out my profile details below by clicking my name.
healer21 7 years ago

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