The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Diabetic neuropathy need help
My wife has acute pain on left side only on left arm nerve and below knee on left leg she is having high diabetic. Allopathic doctor called it neuropathy diabetic. She has severe pain in nerve only at left side. Please suggest I will be very much obliged for your help. Nas me Dard rahta hai left side me,weekness hai, she is diabetic,her fasting sugar is 257 and pp 310.[Edited by RAJESbc1 on 2018-03-01 02:20:57]
RAJESbc1 on 2018-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try arnica 6 wet dose
Hamdaan 7 years ago
Thank you very much Sir for your reply today I will start giving her arnica 6. What will be the dose. Any other suggestions.
RAJESbc1 7 years ago
Arnica 6 in 500ml water 3 to 4 drops shake it hard and drink it in small sips at one time take half cup try for 1 week and see result I had some magical experience even im diabetic and I got to know about this remedy on this forum u can search here by tying Joepath
Hamdaan 7 years ago
RAJESbc1 7 years ago
No improvement my wife complain of weekness and she is diabetic please suggest so that she want to give up insulin
RAJESbc1 6 years ago
Try syz.jambolin mother tincture 10 drops 3 times a day empty stomach continue with arnica 6 now take 2 cups per day
God bless u and your family
I pasting medica materia of syzjgum jambo for william boerick
by William BOERICKE, M.D.
Presented by Médi-T
Jambol Seeds - Enlexing, active principle
Has an immediate effect of increasing the blood sugar, glycosuria results.
A most useful remedy in diabetes mellitus. No other remedy causes in so marked degree the diminution and disappearance of sugar in the urine. Prickly heat in upper part of the body; small red pimples itch violently. Great thirsts, weakness, emaciation. Very large amount of urine, specific gravity high. Old ulcers of skin. Diabetic ulceration. The seeds powdered, ten grains three times a day; also the tincture.
God bless u and your family
I pasting medica materia of syzjgum jambo for william boerick
by William BOERICKE, M.D.
Presented by Médi-T
Jambol Seeds - Enlexing, active principle
Has an immediate effect of increasing the blood sugar, glycosuria results.
A most useful remedy in diabetes mellitus. No other remedy causes in so marked degree the diminution and disappearance of sugar in the urine. Prickly heat in upper part of the body; small red pimples itch violently. Great thirsts, weakness, emaciation. Very large amount of urine, specific gravity high. Old ulcers of skin. Diabetic ulceration. The seeds powdered, ten grains three times a day; also the tincture.
Hamdaan 6 years ago
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