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Causticum: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Staphy 200 & Causticum 200

My Friend has recently started to study and practice Homeopathy , he is student yet;;
4 weeks back he suggested me Staphygsaria for my nervous problems and paralysis due to CNS Vasulities(suppressed emotions and anger)
i have been taking 3-4 drops of staphy 200 in 2 sips of water once every week since last 4 weeks.

Now after 4 weeks he suggested me to take Causticum 200 every day for my Paralysis and urine bladder issues & incontinence etc; he advised me staphy 200 (once a week)a nd causticum 200 (every day once)

Please advice if caustcum can be started along with ongoing stapy 200, do these homeopathic medicines go together?
  khurana76 on 2018-03-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Causticum follows staphy. well. So first take staphy. exhaust it's action then start taking causticum.
maheeru 7 years ago
I am not very familiar with homeopathy...

My friend has just started on homeopathy and his first advice of staphylococcus is looking positive, so came on ABC homeopathy to confirm on the medicine..

From your response on my post,
I cud not understand meaning of exhaust action of staphy?

1) I am taking staphysagria 200 on every Monday for last 4 weeks, and it is giving me very slightly though but positive results.

2) as suggested for causticum 200 now, can I start causticum 200 along say on every week once I n Thursday..

3) also if staphysagria 200 is doing good on me, can I increase dose from nice a week to say twice or thrice a week.

4) can you help me tune my dose on causticum 200 and staphy200 if I wish to take them together...
[Edited by khurana76 on 2018-03-12 21:15:51]
khurana76 7 years ago
khurana76 said I am not very familiar with homeopathy...

My friend has just started on homeopathy and his first advice of staphylococcus is looking positive, so came on ABC homeopathy to confirm on the medicine..

From your response on my post,
I cud not understand meaning of exhaust action of staphy?

1) I am taking staphysagria 200 on every Monday for last 4 weeks, and it is giving me very slightly though but positive results.

2) as suggested for causticum 200 now, can I start causticum 200 along say on every week once I n Thursday..

3) also if staphysagria 200 is doing good on me, can I increase dose from nice a week to say twice or thrice a week.

4) can you help me tune my dose on causticum and staphy if I wish to take them together...
khurana76 7 years ago
Without taking full details it'd be hard to say if this remedy will deliver results or that one will deliver results.

Would not recommend you to take both the medicines at a time.

Since you had asked what to do with these, i gave you a suggestion that first go with Staphy, then to Caust. Exhausting action means while choosing a remedy one should give some time to the medicine(it could also be read as various potencies of a particular medicine) to act and then evaluate the following before moving onto another medicine: benefits or bad effects or no action. The time could range from one week to a few months based on the condition and the response.
maheeru 7 years ago
But I am not clear on how long Shud I continue staphy and when its action will exhaust.

I can share my details with you , if you have goodgexperience with homeopathy and can take my case ...and then will go with your advice

In brief, I shared with my friend earlier that I think that my immune disorder might be due to my suppressed anger towards my parents who I believed that did injustice towards me and gave better education, attention and care to my younger brother.
I had 20 years of cribbing and brooding against my parents, this reduced when I got my job and moved out of house to live with my friends,

After few years, I got married, and after 3 years of marriage, I got a immune disorder stroke which paralysed me.

Due to above reasons of suppressed emotions and grievience of injustice, my friend might have asked me to take staphy 200 once a week.

Question 1) should I increase staphy dose from once a week to say twice or thrice a week ?, As I feel it is giving slightly positive results?.

Today for last 7 years, I struggle from paralysis in my left leg, and the weakness in nerves has also affected my bladder and stool control, I have urine and stool incontinence, and on some days have urine retention and constipation, frequently occurring urine infections as I am not able to completely void my urine bladder..I have spasticity and tightness in my legs, poor balance while walking, weakness and tightness in legs, and I walk with help of crutches.

Due to above, my friend asked me to start causticum 200..

I am little clueness and need guidance on
1) whether I can take staphysagria 200 and causticum 200 together on different days of week.

2) do I need to increase dosage of staphy 200?.

3) what is right balance and dosage of staphy 200 alone or together with causticum 200, I Shud take.
[Edited by khurana76 on 2018-03-12 21:47:35]
khurana76 7 years ago
Saw your other thread:


You also have other threads it seems. So before fine tuning dosage for staphy., need to fine tune a right remedy.

So put in all relevant details in one thread to see if staphy. would be fine or another remedy has to be taken.
maheeru 7 years ago
But your response does not s em to help me anyway,

I will remove all the threads , once I get some inputs or response.

The purpose of raising the different thread is asking same query in different way only to get response or suggestion earlier.
khurana76 6 years ago
How do you know my response is not helpful? :)

I actually didn't want to delete your other threads. What i meant was you should be giving out relevant info. on here to zero in on a remedy. You have only talked about parental pressure here, but there seems to be some love failure and also other issues going on.

Only when a remedy covers all of the issues atleast most of them will help greatly.
maheeru 6 years ago
Thanks a lot, I am currently taking staphy , and is a helping me be more calm .

However many homeopath have suggested me causticum which goes along staphy..
I was seeking advice and opinion .

About dosage and frequency if I intend to take staphy and causticum together. Pls advice.
khurana76 6 years ago
Please answer the following questions to understand your problems in a holistic view.

1) What are the complaints and any known cause for such complaints.
2) List out locations and sensations associated with complaints if any
3) Write down worsening and bettering factors and any associated symptoms about these complaints.
4) Details about emotional state, personality, temperament, fears/anxieties.
5) Details like cravings/aversions, climate/temperature preference, thirst/hunger/sleep/sex/discharge issues and about physical appearance.
6) Any other miscellaneous details including past history of diseases, medicines taken and diseases running into family.
maheeru 6 years ago

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