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Locked jaw, pains in left wrist, pain in lower jaw teeth and gums Please help, Dr Antivirus

Dear Dr Antivirus,

You helped our son get over a terrible rash, a puffy face, double chin, swollen fingers&hands, swollen tummy and pain under his feet. After the Dulcamara 30 treatment he became a new person, all his symptoms disappeared. His puffiness (looked like he was a little fat) went away within a week – he also started growing at an ever faster rate ( he had stopped growing for a while). Thank you, we are so very grateful!

I'm hoping you might find the time to help me now? I have left side locked jaw and have had it for 6 months now. It is less painful after acupuncture and I can chew with some trouble – but it is still completely locked. My neck is quite stiff. I have had a strange rheumatic sort of pain that comes and goes in my left wrist. I can't sleep on my left side. At one point I thought I had stepped on glass (right foot) the pain was sharp – but then I discovered that there was no glass. Only a strange pain under my right foot. It disappeared after I did an enema. I feel cold around my waist, especially lower back – and my head feels cold even in a quite warm room. I feel the slightest draft as if it were a cold wind.

I have had terrible pains under and in my teeth, lower jaw, on the right side – and now I have it on my left side, lower jaw. My gums are very swollen on my left side lower jaw now. But the pain in and under my teeth is almost gone. A little less swollen today, actually – so I'm less tired today. I could wriggle one tooth back and forth for a couple of days, it was that loose. Right now it feels a lot less loose though, thankfully. A couple of times the area (the skin under lip) around the swollen part felt numb. I couldn't feel anything if I touched it.

Also for the first time in my life, I burp – a little now and then. Not directly after meals, but really at any point during the day. At one point it felt as if food 'was stuck' approx somewhere between my throat and my upper chest. But then it went down and the sudden bad breath disappeared.

I have a lot of mucus in my sinuses (and in my head it seems). If I massage my head and forehead, I can feel mucus sliding down the back of my throat. My right ear feels closed somehow and I can hear a very slight humming tone (not like tinnitus , that's much 'louder' I was told). My hair feels dry and quite brittle, it tangles easily. It seems I'm losing a bit of hair (a little) each time I brush it. Nothing alarming though.

Looking very much forward to hearing from you,
Kind regards, Caroline
[Edited by Moomin on 2018-03-16 11:34:19]
  Moomin on 2018-03-15
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