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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Need Expert opinion: Urine problem and Erectile Dysfunction

Dear Dr please help me. Please don't get angry. I am telling you all in detail with the positive hope of treatment.

since 14 years, urine falls drop by drop after for 20 to 30 minutes whenever I complete urination and stand up in wash room. Exactly these are urine drops not semen. in case of cough, sneeze or body jerk, urine drop falls. I use to keep a cloth and hold penis to clear out all drops. nothing happens before urination. all are after effects.

secondly i have a bad masturbation habit since 12 years and before reach to adult, i used to rub my penis over the bed by laying my body on penis on bed every night with imaginations. Still i use same method to masturbate. i regret to say that i did masturbate last night. quick discharge after 30 seconds. it involves only imagination, no hands. During discharge i get a pain and stretches of muscles in back/Posterior (buttocks) and it lasts for 3 or 4 days with pain while walking or sitting. the poverty is, no orgasm, no enjoyment, no fulfillment or satisfaction achieved after discharge. my mornings are boring. i tired much all the time with extreme disappointments. then i just want to sleep and sleep.

I try to control this habit but no luck. I am very ashamed on my such bad habit. My veins are visible on penis and it has less erection. during erection, it is not much harder.
Male 28 age. 65 kg weight.
please help me. I will be grateful to you Dr. you know what are the feelings of a patient.
  alik on 2018-03-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Alik,

I could help you in this regard, but you have to control your self first. No medicine will diagnose you until you change your habit. On other hand please note that the treatment will be in multiple phases for long time which could take several months or years.

Please start the below remedy:

Silicea 30C

Please take the above remedy two times daily.

Get the remedy in liquid:
Put one drop of the remedy in 10 ML of mineral water, That’s one dose.

Morning dose: Early morning as soon as you get up, wash your mouth with plain water (don't brush), take the remedy, then wait for 30 minutes.
Night dose: 12 hrs after the first dose.

Don't drink water along with the medicine. Don't drink or eat any thing for 30 minutes before the medicine and after the medicine.

Avoid taking any other medicine during this treatment.

Avoid raw onion, coffee, Tea, cold drink, hard smell and tobacco in any form.

Update me after 7 days, with changes observed during this period.

HealthyWorld 6 years ago
Dear dr
I will definitely stop my habit.
Currently i am using kali phos 6c gelsemium 30 staphag 30 on local Dr advice for general weakness.
Can i start silicea with it.

alik 6 years ago
Dear Alik,

Follow only one prescription at a time.
HealthyWorld 6 years ago

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