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Premature Ejaculation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Premature Ejaculation due to sensitivity

I am 34yr old I have two kid. I am a software professional sometime works in late night. I have PE due to sensitivity of tip. At the time of coitus within 1 min the tip gets sensitivity and PE happen. I do not have ED.

After consulting to a doctor : Now i am in Rx of Ginseng Q, Ashwagandha Q Damiana Q, with After 1hrs Acidphos Q.

There is no improvement as the sensation is there.

Some info about me: I married 7yr back and at that time there was no symptom. Its happens just 1 year back. I like hot food, yesterday I find numb while bathing. I have High BP but its under control after i left Non veg, currently taking Olmesartan 20.

My Fasting sugar is 93 and after food 148 (i just recently checked it) I have no other chronic disease.

Thank You!
  forfeit1 on 2018-04-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Argentum Nitricum 200 and Merc Sol 200 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over 10 days.

One dose means 2 pills or drops each of both the remedies at a time.
kadwa 6 years ago

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