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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

SEMEN Analysis report

I am 34 years old . Got married an year ago. My wife did not pregnant yet. I did semen Analysis test . Please check is there any weakness in me. I can't intercouse more than 2 minutes.
Please check report. I did it after 5 days gap.


Volume 2.5 ml
Colour Greyish White
Consistency Thin
Reaction PH 7.5
Time Liquification 30 min


Total Sperm Count 70 Million
Leucocytes 1 - 2 /hpf
R.B.C Nill / hpf
Motile 1st Hrs 65%
Sluggish Motile 20%
Non Motile 15%
Normal Form 90%
Abnormal Form 10%
  Imran30 on 2018-04-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Let me know your detailed ailments right now along with following:
Body weight?
If female, Last Menstrual Period, How long it stays.
When you wake at morning
When yo go to bed
What you do
What's your daily diet
How much water you drink everyday
Any Digestion issue
Any mood swing
Any issue with sleep
Any issue in gaining/losing weight.
Dr R Basu 6 years ago
Body weight?


5.10 inches



If female, Last Menstrual Period, How long it stays.
Just 2 days

When you wake at morning
9 am

When yo go to bed
10 to 11 pm

What you do
Computer accountant

What's your daily diet
Normal . Mostly deals

How much water you drink everyday
5 to 6 glasses

Any Digestion issue
Sometime motion issue

Any mood swing

Any issue with sleep

Any issue in gaining/losing weight

I did all answer but you did not give me my post answer that is there any weakness in report?
Imran30 6 years ago
Report is OK.
But I need symptoms to treat you.More precisely what's your chief complaints etc.
Dr R Basu 6 years ago
Thin sperm and time issue
Imran30 6 years ago
I want baby. I want to do pregenant my wife asap.
Imran30 6 years ago
Take Selenium 200C Morning and night daily (5 drops in 15 ml water=one dose) for 7 days.
Feedback after 10 days.
Dr R Basu 6 years ago

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