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pregnant with itching & heartburn

I am only 6 weeks pregnant but have started itching around my face, hands,feet & buttocks ! I have done the online remedy and it has come up with Rhus Toxicodendron, can someone please advise if this is safe to take.

I used to take Belladona before I was pregnant for small raised white spots on my forehead (not itchy)

Any advise would be gratefully recd..

  jaijai on 2004-07-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
how long have had heartburn?please describe the symptoms and conditions associated with the heartburn..

ok please explain your health history as thorough as can from prior to pregnancy?

any skin conditions (besides what already mentioned)in health history?

any eye/vision complaints/faults?

any white spots on/under fingernails?

what medicines you used/use?
use tobacco?alcohol?

what illnesses in family history?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Thankyou for such a quick response...

I have had heartburn for approx 6-8 weeks, the docs have said it was reflux. I bring up bile & food and have a band of pain under my breast bone, not towards the back. The syptoms go when I eat for a short while.

I do have sensitive skin but have never had anything like this itching before. As previously mentioned I took belladona for small raised spots which helped but that was only on my forehead area. This itching has been for approx 3 months. I get raised white spots (not scaly) which last for an hr, itch like crazy and then dissappear. My head and neck has just started but to be honest it can start anywhere. Sometimes I do not get the lumps at all but my skin itches with no marks, except the blood vessels from my scratching ! sorry to be so dramatic but it can be so upsetting.
I had a kidney infection approx 3yrs ago, nasty one with my first child. I did take cipramil for severe PMT, (mood swings, depressive state)but I stopped taking these approx 4 months ago. No eye problems at all, no white spots on nails, I do not smoke, and hardly ever drink(not at all now)
My family history ? my mother has had a nasty hiatus hernia & ops to remove gallstones. Nothing else as far as I am aware.

I am a vegetarian but eat egss/milk & fish.

jaijai 2 decades ago
how many pregnancies?
any abortions/miscarriages?
any complications with any other of pregnancies?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
what association has heartburn with meals or certain foods/drinks?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Only one other pregnancy, no abortions/miscarriages. My first pregnancy was fine except for high BP towards the end and very bad water retention (which i hope i do not get again !)
I did not develop pre-eclmpsia but the high BP was a concern so I was induced 2 weeks early, no problems natural labour healthy baby.
I do not remember if I said i had heartburn on my first pregnancy, but my son was born with very thick long black hair (lots more than your average dark haired baby, i had to cut it )Not sure if thismay make a difference to causing the heartburn

jaijai 2 decades ago
concerning current status;what association has heartburn with meals or certain foods/drinks?what time of day particularly occur?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Normally mid morning and middle of night (wakes me up)
I have looked at my food and i cannot tie it down to anything in particular, except melon which i have noticed makes it worse.
jaijai 2 decades ago
any burping/eructations associated with heartburn?

how consistant are the occurances of heartburn?what exact time wake in evening?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Not really any burping, sometimes an urge to but it never occurs. The eve time is normally c10.00pm in the eve for approx 2 hrs.Gavison has helped but I do not want to keep taking it.

Can i just say i really appreciate your help but my itching is keeping me awake and i am making myself bleed. Are you able to tell me if anything may help, i am desperate.

jaijai 2 decades ago
1 single doe "ONLY"sulpher 30c-no repetition at all of dose at any other time...

NO--other medicines-skin cremes -treatments AT ALL

MUST avoid--all acidic foods and drinks....i.e...coffee;alcoholic beverages;fruit and juices;vinegar;coca-cola,pepsi and the like;tomatoes...etc..

also-MUST avoid ALL sweets (particularly all/any products made with refined white sugar)

post back response or lack of response
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Is this dose daily or not ? or just the one single dose and that is it ?
jaijai 2 decades ago
just the one single dose and that is it ---and follow restrictions
John Stanton 2 decades ago
I have taken the Sulphar (1 tab as advised) and adhered to your other suggestions. However I have had to use creme (aqeous) over the weekend due to having an unbearable night. A cool shower would not help, and I scratched to the point of crying. I cannot concentrate at work or home
jaijai 2 decades ago
why didn't you post here when
aggravation occur?

if symptoms aggravtion has calmed (due to creme),then you now have pushed 'itch' in --AND THIS WILL EFFECT INFANT"S health (child you carry)..

more than anything i am avid concerning pregnancy --when i prescribe and i am envolved--i expect trust--that i will be there when help is needed and patient FOLLOWS ADVICE..


what name or chemical base of creme used?

what current health status?

what new symptoms have occured?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
The syptoms have not improved, got worse or changed the itch is still the same. The creme AQUEOUS water based (sorry at work currently so unable to provide more info).
My current health is nauseous (morning sickness) feeling hot and cold and tired. Im very irritable ! tearful and cannot concentrate. Some of the normal side effects during the 1st trimester...

In answer to your question. at 1,2,3 & 4.00 am in the morning i really did not think you would be online and able to assist. Yes I know using the creme is not something i should have done but neither is scratching my body all over incl my stomach to the point of bleeding. I am already concerned about my baby I didnt use the creme to go against your wishes but desperation was included in the scenario.

jaijai 2 decades ago
no matter the time --freely post--

single dose (once only) pulsatilla 30c

follow same restrictions as previous mentioned ; and also avoid fats..butter..oils...etc
John Stanton 2 decades ago

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