The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Englarged testicle & premature ejaculation problem
Assalam o Alaikum,Dr i suffering from varicocele on both the side & my left testicle is very smaller then normal size & right testicle is bigger then normal size. No pain
My ageis 39 weight 85 height 5'4".
Short tempered gets irritated quickly.
I think a lot. In morning when i get up i feel like there is no energy in my body.
Difficult to fall asleep.
Biggest problem "PREMATURE EJACULATION" it ejaculate in 2 second after i feel pain in both testicle & tightness in testicles & pain in lower abdominal. "SEMEN" watery yellowish in colour suffering from constipation genetic problem my father had constipation even grandfather had my father had & mother have diabetes.
I don't have diabetes.
i had bad habit of masturbation from early childhood which took long time to stop this.
Few years back i have control on masturbation. Daily do 5 times namaz. Take less oily & spicy food. Taking onky vegetarian diet from few years Please suggest me remedies for my testicle & premature ejaculation problem please.
[Edited by Shaneali on 2018-04-23 04:00:45]
Shaneali on 2018-04-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take the following remedies in evening for 15 days and report back...
Sulphur 200
Staphysagria 200
Nux Vomica 200
One dose means 2 pills or drops each of all three remedies at a time.
Sulphur 200
Staphysagria 200
Nux Vomica 200
One dose means 2 pills or drops each of all three remedies at a time.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
kadwa said Please take the following remedies in evening for 15 days and report back...
Sulphur 200
Staphysagria 200
Nux Vomica 200
One dose means 2 pills or drops each of all three remedies at a time.â Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread. Report Post â¡+Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. Click the red button to endorse.Endorse Post
Sukriya Sukriya Dr. Kadwa Allah bless you for your quick reply.
i will bring this medicine. I have to mix all 3 & take or i have to take 1, by 1, in gape only once in evening please reply me.
Sulphur 200
Staphysagria 200
Nux Vomica 200
One dose means 2 pills or drops each of all three remedies at a time.â Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread. Report Post â¡+Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. Click the red button to endorse.Endorse Post
Sukriya Sukriya Dr. Kadwa Allah bless you for your quick reply.
i will bring this medicine. I have to mix all 3 & take or i have to take 1, by 1, in gape only once in evening please reply me.
Shaneali 6 years ago
Assalam o Alaikum,
Dr kadwa,
Writing my problem in detail please reply me & i had brought medicine which you had mentioned before above.
•I am suffering from varicocele on both the side & my left testicle is very smaller then normal size & right testicle is bigger then normal size. Slight pain in left testicle.
•My left nostril is blocked from 10 years only when I get up in morning my left nostril opens & liquid from it goes to my throat due to that I feel irritation in my throat & chest... bad odar from left nostril & bad odar when i cough feel cough in chest.
•My both ears are blocked & hisss sound come from only right earn.
•I always have cramps in my lower abdominal specspeci before & while passing the stool & due to constipation my anus comes out my stool is very very sticky.
•When I come in contact with sun I sneeze twice & I have headache in sun. & Headache if empty stomach.
•Burning in middle of chest.
•All the day feeling lazy like drained like no power no energy.
•i always find my penis head is have sticky fluid & sticky fluid in urine.
My ageis 39 weight 85 sorry height is 5’3”
Short tempered gets irritated quickly.
(I had become very impatient from past 15 year. If eat food I eat very fast, if drink tea or coffee drink very fast. Lac of confidence & concentration problem)
I think a lot. In morning when i get up i feel like there is no energy in my body.
Difficult to fall asleep.
Biggest problem "PREMATURE EJACULATION" it ejaculate in 2 second after i feel pain in both testicle & tightness in testicles & pain in lower abdominal. "SEMEN" watery yellowish in colour suffering from constipation genetic problem my father had constipation even grandfather had constipation. my father & mother have diabetes.
I don't have diabetes nor bp.
i had bad habit of masturbation from early childhood which took long time to stop this.
Few years back i have control on masturbation. Daily do 5 times namaz. Take less oily & spicy food. Taking only vegetarian diet from few years Please suggest me remedies for my nose stomach & specially premature ejaculation problem please.
From 3 months medicine I am taking R42, hamamalies 30, thuja 200, calc flu, sulphur & mer sol recommend by one of my friend as i had brought your medicine i should stop this above mentioned medicine for varicocele & for stomach problem.
Dr kadwa,
Writing my problem in detail please reply me & i had brought medicine which you had mentioned before above.
•I am suffering from varicocele on both the side & my left testicle is very smaller then normal size & right testicle is bigger then normal size. Slight pain in left testicle.
•My left nostril is blocked from 10 years only when I get up in morning my left nostril opens & liquid from it goes to my throat due to that I feel irritation in my throat & chest... bad odar from left nostril & bad odar when i cough feel cough in chest.
•My both ears are blocked & hisss sound come from only right earn.
•I always have cramps in my lower abdominal specspeci before & while passing the stool & due to constipation my anus comes out my stool is very very sticky.
•When I come in contact with sun I sneeze twice & I have headache in sun. & Headache if empty stomach.
•Burning in middle of chest.
•All the day feeling lazy like drained like no power no energy.
•i always find my penis head is have sticky fluid & sticky fluid in urine.
My ageis 39 weight 85 sorry height is 5’3”
Short tempered gets irritated quickly.
(I had become very impatient from past 15 year. If eat food I eat very fast, if drink tea or coffee drink very fast. Lac of confidence & concentration problem)
I think a lot. In morning when i get up i feel like there is no energy in my body.
Difficult to fall asleep.
Biggest problem "PREMATURE EJACULATION" it ejaculate in 2 second after i feel pain in both testicle & tightness in testicles & pain in lower abdominal. "SEMEN" watery yellowish in colour suffering from constipation genetic problem my father had constipation even grandfather had constipation. my father & mother have diabetes.
I don't have diabetes nor bp.
i had bad habit of masturbation from early childhood which took long time to stop this.
Few years back i have control on masturbation. Daily do 5 times namaz. Take less oily & spicy food. Taking only vegetarian diet from few years Please suggest me remedies for my nose stomach & specially premature ejaculation problem please.
From 3 months medicine I am taking R42, hamamalies 30, thuja 200, calc flu, sulphur & mer sol recommend by one of my friend as i had brought your medicine i should stop this above mentioned medicine for varicocele & for stomach problem.
Shaneali 6 years ago
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