The ABC Homeopathy Forum
sand like particles around anus after passing stool
whenever i clear anus area with hand using water,after passing stool. i find sand like particles around my anus.the color of particles is yellowish .
can anyone tell me why is it happening.
i have bloating and gas in lower abdomen.
no appetite.
weight loss.
i have constipation with hard stools.
i have become underweight coz of this.
my height is 5 '4 and weight is 40 kgs
sometimes there is very dull pain here and there in abdomen coz of gas , no fixed place for pain.
i m 36 yr old unmarried woman.
please prescribe some medicines.
[Edited by monny82 on 2018-04-23 06:50:29]
monny82 on 2018-04-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Let me know your detailed ailments right now along with following:
Body weight?
If female, Last Menstrual Period, How long it stays.
When you wake at morning
When yo go to bed
What you do
What's your daily diet
How much water you drink everyday
Any Digestion issue
Any mood swing
Any issue with sleep
Any issue in gaining/losing weight.
Body weight?
If female, Last Menstrual Period, How long it stays.
When you wake at morning
When yo go to bed
What you do
What's your daily diet
How much water you drink everyday
Any Digestion issue
Any mood swing
Any issue with sleep
Any issue in gaining/losing weight.
♡ Dr R Basu 6 years ago
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