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Hemangioma on baby face
Dear Doctors,My baby daughter has hemangioma near her right eye.
It appeared one week after birth.
All the doctors, including her pediatrician say that it will go away and we should do nothing, but I am worried that it will grow more.
Here is a description of my baby as per one example that I found on this site:
1. Age,sex,weight,body and face appearance, country.
ANS. 1 month 18 days, female, almost 5 kg, top of growth chart, light skin, light hair, skin is clear (btw today i noticed a small rush on the left cheek), pregnancy in Macedonia, baby born in France, Nice
2. Main complaints and other associated troubles.
a) Where is the trouble; The exact locality of the complaint like hands,legs etc; duration of trouble.
ANS. Below right eyebrow, appeared one week after birth. No visible mark at birth. At the begging looked like a scratch, then became wider and started to raise up.
b) What exactly do child feels, Sensation as pain, how pain feels or burn etc, according to you.
ANS. apparently child has no issues
c)What are the factors that causes this trouble according to you.
ANS. My age - I gave birth just before turning 38, living in a polluted city during pregnancy, stress during pregnancy (these are just guesses, cannot tell for sure). Baby was born 2 weeks before the due date.
d)Condition under which the complaint is reduced or child feels better like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
ANS. n/a
e)Condition under which the complaint is increased like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
ANS. It seems like when she cries it becomes more red, but this is just temporary
f)Any other complaint any where in the body.
ANS. Baby has colic
g)Onset time of troubles in detail, i.e which came first, after that what problem and so on.
ANS. We noticed the colic first, since the first days, and while in the hospital too
h)Treatment method adopted and its result.
ANS. At around 4 weeks, after consulting a local homeopath, she was given Camomila 30, once daily, for two days. Dosage was minimal – 3-4 globules each time from a monodose box (one globule is a size of a small sand particle). Preparation powder was given for the hemangioma (Hammamelis 4CH, Aesculus hipp 4CH, Bellis Perennis 4 CH, Vipera redi 4 CH , Fluoricum acidum 4 CH)) to be given 3 times daily for one month, I gave it only one week, than I stopped. Once a week I give Calcarea fluorica 9CH and THUYA 9CH, 3 weeks till now. For colic, I gave last week Colocintys 30, 2 times per day, for 2 days.
Colic seems to have improved.
3. History of diseases in family.
ANS. Mother (me) had episodes of depressive mood, and anxiety with panic attacks. Also allergies to grass/plants/spring blossoms in the past. Father only slight issue with blood pressure. Grandmother (fathers side) recurrent anemia. Grandmother (mothers side) arthritis, blood pressure and light anxiety. Grandfather (mothers side) died of heart attack.
4. Personal History.
a)About childhood.
ANS. Alert and dynamic baby. Has a habit to hiccup, since in the womb. Started to breastfeed the moment when out of the womb. Light discharge from the eyes for app. One week after birth, than stopped. Tobrex drops were prescribed to use 4 days.
b)Academic performance.
c)Any major incidents in life and the effect of it on life.
d)How is child satisfied with friends, family members, etc.
ANS Baby is taken care of mostly by mother with the help of the grandmother. Father works till 7 pm. But avoids interaction when baby cries. Baby by default cries between 6 pm and 9.30 pm, so interaction with father is minimal. Grandmother talks a lot to the baby and she seems to like it. She has half-brother of almost 8 years, whose attitude is neutral. But she doesn’t smile a lot.
6. How is child's Appetite and Thirst.
ANS. Very good appetite, newer throws up, even when overfeed she keeps food. Tends to breastfeed more when nervous, but it gives more colic
7. Likes and Dislikes.
a)Alcohol Bread Butter Bitter Salt Sweet Sour Fats Milk Mud Chalk Egg Spicy food Meat Fish Fruits Fried Food
Warm food-drink Cold food-drink Ice Ice cream Chocolates Tea Coffee.
ANS. Breastfeed exclusively
b)Anything else about like and dislike of any activity with child or surrounding.
ANS. Doesn’t like to stay on her own a lot, wants to be carried around leaning on her right side, cannot fall asleep on her own at daytime, only by carrying her. When she starts crying, she needs to be lifted up immediately, or begins to scream, toys or music rarely helps. Doesn’t want to stay alone in her bed, at night sleeps with mother and mother just changes sides around her for breastfeeding. Rarely cries at night, but if starts crying needs a small promenade in the arms.
8. Bowel movements.
a)Nature of stool, frequency, satisfactory or not.
ANS. Regular and satisfactory, mostly between 5 am and 3 pm. It often wakes her up
b)Any discomforts associated with stool.
ANS. Agitated before passing stool and gas, moves her legs or cries sometimes. Also when in distress/anger she lets out some stool.
9. Urine.
a)Frequency, nature, volume.
ANS. All regular
b)Any discomfort before, during or after urination/odour
ANS. no
12. Sleep.
a)The quality of sleep, the quietness or restlessness of sleep,
position of sleep, times of waking and reasons for waking,
need for cover over various parts of the body,
whether the window must be open or closed etc.
common dreams, peculiar sounds or gestures during sleep, etc.
ANS. During the day, she makes 1 or max 2 naps of 1-2 hours, other naps are shorter, with periods of restlessness and waking up every 15-20 min. Cries a lot between 7pm to 9.30 pm, then sleeps, but wakes up by moving for feeding couple of times. Wakes up between 5-6 am with bowel movements, then sleeps till 8-9 am.
Likes to sleep on her right side, the head leaning on her right side. Needs a good cover, thick blanket.
13. Sweat
a)How much, what parts, staining, Odour.
ANS. Sweats on the head when crying, or in pain/distress/anger. No odour
14. Weather
a)Tolerance to heat and cold, dryness, humidity, weather changes, sun,
foggy weather, wind drafts, closed rooms, etc.
ANS. Likes to be really warm, has cold hands at times even if well dressed. Reacts with crying when someone interacts loudly. Is not bothered by other outside noises.
Doesn’t like to be dressed or undressed. Prefers bath in warmer water, 39-40 degrees. Otherwise cries a lot. After bath first needs to be breastfed, then dressed. Needs to be covered when held in hands too.
15. Mental Status
a) Were there any complications at birth?
ANS. no
b)At what age did the child: crawl, walk, talk, teethe, toilet train ?
ANS. All milestones achieved, holds head strong even from birth
c)How did the child react to the following situations: vaccinations, birth of younger sibling, starting day care, starting school, spending night with a friend, going away to camp, traveling with the family
ANS. Not vaccinated yet. Needs to change positions fast, cannot stay in the trolley too long.
d)Did the child have an especially severe childhood illness--measles, mumps, croup, etc.?
ANS. no
e)When ill or upset does the child want to cling or be left alone, or something else altogether?
ANS. She hasn’t been ill, but when upset even to be held is not helping. We might be all changing turns on walking, talking, singing, but she continues to cry. Pacifier often helps.
f)How would you describe the child's behavior when playing with other children?
g)What feedback do you get from the child's teachers?
h)How does your child treat animals?
i)What fears does your child have?
j)How affectionate is the child when not sick?
k)How sympathetic is the child (concerned with the suffering of others)?
l)How is the child affected by games, studying, music and dancing?
m)Is the child fastidious? Please explain.
n)Is the child sensitive to criticism? Please explain.
o)Describe the child's eating habits, for example: picks at his food, or eats voraciously, or is full after 2 bites, or can't sit still to eat, or must be fed or he won't calm down, and so on.
ANS. breastfeeding
p)Are there any digestive complaints--waking with stomach pains, or a lot of gas and bloating or burping, or constipation, etc.?
ANS. Colic that intensifies in the evening
q)How cooperative is the child?
ANS. Well, she is difficult to please, that is for sure :) Cries a lot
r)What does the child really love to do?
ANS. Sleep on mummy chest or while being held (being held and walking and rocking)
Thank you for your time so much in advance!
[Edited by Bonbona on 2018-05-05 14:23:44]
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Bonbona on 2018-05-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Kreosotum 30 three times a day,one pill,feedback after 7 days.
Heart & circulation; tumors, bloodvessels, angioma, hemangioma: LACH(4) ARS(4) CARB-AN(4) PHOS(4) SIL(4) THUJ(4) CARB-V(3) CALC(3) SULPH(3) LYC(3) KREOS(3)
other symptoms which I have studied also point towards KREOSOTUM.
Mind; company; desire for; sleep with parents, child desires to: gall-ac kreos lac-lup merc-c plac plut-n(2) sac-alb
Crossed rubrics: Mind; company; desire for / Mind; company; desire for; family, of / Mirilli's themes; company / Mirilli's themes; friendly / Mirilli's themes; lack: acet-ac aids aml-n anac ars aur bar-c bell-p bute-j calc calc-l calc-sil calop-s carc clad-r dys-co gall-ac graph haliae-lc hep holm-m ign iod kali-bi kali-br KALI-C(3) kali-n kali-p kali-sil kreos
Abdomen; distension; colic, in: astac aza sarr thuj
Abdomen; pain; cramping, gripping: IOD(4) IP(4) irid IRIS(4) IRIS-FOE(4) jab JAL(4) JATR(3) joan jug-c jug-r junc just Kali-acet kali-ar KALI-BI(4) KALI-BR(4) KALI-C(4) kali-chl KALI-I(3) kali-m KALI-N(4) kali-p KALI-S(3) kali-sil kali-t kalm kiss kola KREOS(4)
Extremities; coldness, chilliness; hands: IGN(3) ind indg inul IOD(4) IP(4) irid(2) iris jatr KALI-AR(4) kali-bi KALI-BR(3) KALI-C(4) KALI-CHL(4) kali-fcy kali-i KALI-N(3) KALI-P(4) kali-s kiss kola kreos
Sleep; sleeplessness; children, in; caressed, child must be: KREOS(3)
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2018-05-05 17:18:44]
Heart & circulation; tumors, bloodvessels, angioma, hemangioma: LACH(4) ARS(4) CARB-AN(4) PHOS(4) SIL(4) THUJ(4) CARB-V(3) CALC(3) SULPH(3) LYC(3) KREOS(3)
other symptoms which I have studied also point towards KREOSOTUM.
Mind; company; desire for; sleep with parents, child desires to: gall-ac kreos lac-lup merc-c plac plut-n(2) sac-alb
Crossed rubrics: Mind; company; desire for / Mind; company; desire for; family, of / Mirilli's themes; company / Mirilli's themes; friendly / Mirilli's themes; lack: acet-ac aids aml-n anac ars aur bar-c bell-p bute-j calc calc-l calc-sil calop-s carc clad-r dys-co gall-ac graph haliae-lc hep holm-m ign iod kali-bi kali-br KALI-C(3) kali-n kali-p kali-sil kreos
Abdomen; distension; colic, in: astac aza sarr thuj
Abdomen; pain; cramping, gripping: IOD(4) IP(4) irid IRIS(4) IRIS-FOE(4) jab JAL(4) JATR(3) joan jug-c jug-r junc just Kali-acet kali-ar KALI-BI(4) KALI-BR(4) KALI-C(4) kali-chl KALI-I(3) kali-m KALI-N(4) kali-p KALI-S(3) kali-sil kali-t kalm kiss kola KREOS(4)
Extremities; coldness, chilliness; hands: IGN(3) ind indg inul IOD(4) IP(4) irid(2) iris jatr KALI-AR(4) kali-bi KALI-BR(3) KALI-C(4) KALI-CHL(4) kali-fcy kali-i KALI-N(3) KALI-P(4) kali-s kiss kola kreos
Sleep; sleeplessness; children, in; caressed, child must be: KREOS(3)
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2018-05-05 17:18:44]
♡ anuj srivastava 6 years ago
Thank you so much for your kind reply. Pharmacy was closed today, so I am taking the medicine on Monday. I will update you in one week from treatement start. Love and blessings
Bonbona 6 years ago
Just one question: here I have Boiron medication, a box of globules. Usual dosage is 5 globules per each addmision. Please confirm that I should give 1 globule 3 times per day. Thank you in advance !
Bonbona 6 years ago
Seven days from treatement start finished on thursday.
General mood is better, almost no colic symptoms.
Hemangioma still increasing, it was flat 2 weeks ago, now fils up with blood, eventhough not so fast.
Better sleep at night, periods of restlessness during day time, especially if we stay at home.
Lot of movement with hands, palms sweaty and easily cold
Also leg movement intense, especially with left leg
General mood is better, almost no colic symptoms.
Hemangioma still increasing, it was flat 2 weeks ago, now fils up with blood, eventhough not so fast.
Better sleep at night, periods of restlessness during day time, especially if we stay at home.
Lot of movement with hands, palms sweaty and easily cold
Also leg movement intense, especially with left leg
Bonbona 6 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 6 years ago
Where I am now, i found the meds in liquid form. What dosage to give? Should I give them mixed together or separately with some time between? Thanks!
Bonbona 6 years ago
2 drops,after a gap of 15 mins .
i wanted you to buy the ferrum phos BIOCHEMIC one.
FERRUM PHOS 6X,it comes in tablets.
i wanted you to buy the ferrum phos BIOCHEMIC one.
FERRUM PHOS 6X,it comes in tablets.
♡ anuj srivastava 6 years ago
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