The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Frequent Involuntary Ejaculation at Night
I'm suffering from frequent Involuntary ejaculation (without dreams) at night. But, I'm not sure that, this is happening because of I masturbate (when asleep) or not. but I ejaculate. I am suffering from this for nearly 5 years. I took Staph 200 and Gold 200 along with Aswa Q for 3 months. I was in better condition for 2 months.but the problem is back with more severity (4 times in a week).Can you please help me to get rid of this.
[Edited by Athens1 on 2018-07-04 04:41:08]
♥ Athens1 on 2018-07-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Let me know your detailed ailments right now along with following:
Body weight?
When you wake at morning
When yo go to bed
What you do
What's your daily diet
How much water you drink everyday
Any Digestion issue
Any mood swing
Any issue with sleep
Any issue in gaining/losing weight.
Body weight?
When you wake at morning
When yo go to bed
What you do
What's your daily diet
How much water you drink everyday
Any Digestion issue
Any mood swing
Any issue with sleep
Any issue in gaining/losing weight.
♡ Dr R Basu 6 years ago
Country: India
City: Kolkata
Body weight? 65 kg
Sex M
Height 5.8 Feet
Age 23
BP 110/70
When you wake at morning 7 am
When yo go to bed 11:30 pm
What you do: Student
What's your daily diet : Tiffin- Brown Bread, Egg; Lunch- Rice, Pulse , Fish
How much water you drink everyday : 3 lit
Any Digestion issue : No
Any mood swing
Any issue with sleep No
Any issue in gaining/losing weight : Go to gym. So burned-out 2.5 Kgs.
City: Kolkata
Body weight? 65 kg
Sex M
Height 5.8 Feet
Age 23
BP 110/70
When you wake at morning 7 am
When yo go to bed 11:30 pm
What you do: Student
What's your daily diet : Tiffin- Brown Bread, Egg; Lunch- Rice, Pulse , Fish
How much water you drink everyday : 3 lit
Any Digestion issue : No
Any mood swing
Any issue with sleep No
Any issue in gaining/losing weight : Go to gym. So burned-out 2.5 Kgs.
♡ Athens1 6 years ago
♡ Dr R Basu 6 years ago
Nearly 4-5 times in a week. No I don't engaged with any kind of sexual activity. Even, I don't watch any movie which is sexually excited.
♡ Athens1 6 years ago
1.Cinchona Officinalis 200c 4 pills at bedtime for 3 consecutive days.
Don't eat/drink within 15 minutes of taking of medicine.
Avoid coffee, Camphor,Hing.
Keep your windows open during you sleep.
Feedback after 10 days.
1.Cinchona Officinalis 200c 4 pills at bedtime for 3 consecutive days.
Don't eat/drink within 15 minutes of taking of medicine.
Avoid coffee, Camphor,Hing.
Keep your windows open during you sleep.
Feedback after 10 days.
♡ Dr R Basu 6 years ago
As per your prescription, I took the medicine for 3 days and reporting you after 10 days.
I ejaculate 3 times in this 10 days.
This is my feedback.
I ejaculate 3 times in this 10 days.
This is my feedback.
♡ Athens1 6 years ago
Dear Athens,
Please tell me,
1.When you recognise the ejaculation?
2.Is it happened during your sleep?
Thanks & Regards,
Please tell me,
1.When you recognise the ejaculation?
2.Is it happened during your sleep?
Thanks & Regards,
♡ Dr R Basu 6 years ago
♡ Athens1 6 years ago
Do you recall any erotic dreams on those days?
Do you felt any pain during first urine at morning on those days?
Is there any chilliness after first urine on those days.
Do you felt any pain during first urine at morning on those days?
Is there any chilliness after first urine on those days.
♡ Dr R Basu 6 years ago
No. I don't dream. It happened without dream.
No, I don't feel any pain at the time of first urination. But, I feel little discomfort throughout the day on those days might because of the release.
I think (not sure) my private part became too sensitive, because when my private part is rubbed with the side pillow it ejaculate, but I am not sure about that.
No, I don't feel any pain at the time of first urination. But, I feel little discomfort throughout the day on those days might because of the release.
I think (not sure) my private part became too sensitive, because when my private part is rubbed with the side pillow it ejaculate, but I am not sure about that.
♡ Athens1 6 years ago
I had suggested you to take medicine for 3 consecutive days.Had you ejaculated on those days?please spherically say whether the days are 4th or 5th or so ,counting from the Day1.
♡ Dr R Basu 6 years ago
1.Cinchona Officinalis 200c 4 pills at bedtime on alternate day for 10 days.
See how it affects you.Feedback on 10th day.
Good night
1.Cinchona Officinalis 200c 4 pills at bedtime on alternate day for 10 days.
See how it affects you.Feedback on 10th day.
Good night
♡ Dr R Basu 6 years ago
Thanks for your prescription. I'm reporting you after 10 days. The severity has been eliminated.
Problem has aroused only once (in 3rd day) in 10 days.
Problem has aroused only once (in 3rd day) in 10 days.
♡ Athens1 6 years ago
Dear Athens,
Glad to hear that your conditions have improved.
Continue same protocol for another 10 days and feedback on 15th Day.
Glad to hear that your conditions have improved.
Continue same protocol for another 10 days and feedback on 15th Day.
♡ Dr R Basu 6 years ago
Hello Doctor,
I'm reporting you after 15 days. I followed your prescription vehemently. But the problem occurred 7 times in 15 days. I understand very well that, I masturbate unconsciously during asleep at night & came to know at morning. Because of high frequency, I feel drowsy throughout the day at those occasional day.
Doctor, I don't watch any erotic movie or like that. Why this problem is not eliminating??
I'm reporting you after 15 days. I followed your prescription vehemently. But the problem occurred 7 times in 15 days. I understand very well that, I masturbate unconsciously during asleep at night & came to know at morning. Because of high frequency, I feel drowsy throughout the day at those occasional day.
Doctor, I don't watch any erotic movie or like that. Why this problem is not eliminating??
♡ Athens1 6 years ago
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