The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Teeth enamel deficiency yellow colour sensitivity and erosive
I have been suffering from the mentioned ailments for the last 2o years. I tried calcerea carb 20. 200, even 1M, I also tried calcerea flour 6x,12x, but no satisfactory result. I have a chronic meningitis and multiple small cyst underneath my skin spreading whole my body with chronic cough and fungus-skin diseases.I have spondylitis around my neck with often vertigo and hypertension, Loss of confidence in works, memory impaired, tension and depression with the present job and due to financial problems,unhappy with my marital life, excess thought of sex. However my sex life is normal, but sometimes only wanting of full erecting. I cannot see people suffering.and very talkative.please help me. With regards, Kushing.Kushing on 2018-07-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Can you tell me about your
Height / weight/ age
Any addiction
Hows ur Sleep
After sleep how do u feel?
Which type of Dreams do u see more?
How do u pass your free time?
When you cough more?
And how do u get some relief from cough
Character of the expectoration?
Have u ever done something for the persons suffering ?
[Edited by DrKR on 2018-07-28 06:35:02]
Height / weight/ age
Any addiction
Hows ur Sleep
After sleep how do u feel?
Which type of Dreams do u see more?
How do u pass your free time?
When you cough more?
And how do u get some relief from cough
Character of the expectoration?
Have u ever done something for the persons suffering ?
[Edited by DrKR on 2018-07-28 06:35:02]
♡ KR 6 years ago
77 kg
58 years old
SBI employee over pressure
Fond eating, and reading,no other addiction. Teeth problems hereditary.
When in tension wake up mid night and no more sleepiness.
If sleep well feeling relieved that is when body ache and meningitis subsided.
Dream of deceased persons.
Pass Time reading holy Bible and homeopathy books.
Rainy season and winter season. When get wet and draft of cold air yet like open air.
Warm water, aconite sometimes lachesis, magnesia carb. Arsenic Iod gives me heart problems like palpitation and exhaustion.
Sputum whitish sometimes pinky and sticky.
Because of helping people without concerning for myself and my family I not financially sound.
77 kg
58 years old
SBI employee over pressure
Fond eating, and reading,no other addiction. Teeth problems hereditary.
When in tension wake up mid night and no more sleepiness.
If sleep well feeling relieved that is when body ache and meningitis subsided.
Dream of deceased persons.
Pass Time reading holy Bible and homeopathy books.
Rainy season and winter season. When get wet and draft of cold air yet like open air.
Warm water, aconite sometimes lachesis, magnesia carb. Arsenic Iod gives me heart problems like palpitation and exhaustion.
Sputum whitish sometimes pinky and sticky.
Because of helping people without concerning for myself and my family I not financially sound.
Kushing 6 years ago
♡ KR 6 years ago
Fear of stage, fear of height, fear of evil spirit whenever I feel like far from God. But whenever I regain my faith in God by confession and closer to God I fear no thing I want to add is that my father was a TB patient and my and I was suffering from lung TB 30 years back. Small flat wart like growth slowly spreading over my head neck face and chest , thank you Sir for your kind concern encouraging response.
Kushing 6 years ago
U told you took lachesis may i know in which potency??
♡ KR 6 years ago
Please take
arsenicum album 200c
2 drops in a cup of normal water empty stomach once a day for three days.
And after 3 days
Plantago major mother tincture 10 drops in a cup of water 3 times a day u can also apply locally this mother tincture with a cotton on your sensitive teeth.
Do not take anything 30 min prior and after medicine
Avoid garlic, coffee, camphor,perfumes and mint products
And give follow up after 1 week with a list of all negatives and positives
[Edited by DrKR on 2018-07-28 10:44:29]
arsenicum album 200c
2 drops in a cup of normal water empty stomach once a day for three days.
And after 3 days
Plantago major mother tincture 10 drops in a cup of water 3 times a day u can also apply locally this mother tincture with a cotton on your sensitive teeth.
Do not take anything 30 min prior and after medicine
Avoid garlic, coffee, camphor,perfumes and mint products
And give follow up after 1 week with a list of all negatives and positives
[Edited by DrKR on 2018-07-28 10:44:29]
♡ KR 6 years ago
Good morning Sir.
I took the medicine as your advice.
Then. My old complaints like Body pain, neck spondylitis,meningitis, chilling and feverish, left leg bone pain, itching whole body, upper pre molar teeth gum abscess re appears with pain, itching of all gums, slight palpitation, cheek bone and jaw bone aching cough and rawness feeling in my nose throat and chest, and flowing down of nasal fluid down to throat which provoke me to vomit, slight burning sensation in urethra all reoccurring. After two three days all subsided.
But some complaints like neck spondylitis and meningitis, gum abscess, cough and nasal fluid flowing down to my throat chest rawness come back and I can't sleep pillow because of meningitis. I can't bent my head it's almost stiff.
I have overcome some of my fears, my leg bone pain is gone, my working confidence improves sleep to some extent good but because of spondylitis, anger reduces, teeth colour slightly changed, sensitive of teeth reduces,
I can't articulate my tongue. My tongue is short and heavy as a result facing difficulty to pronounce words,
I am slow to understand and slow to learn, and I a bit impatience and talkative because of which I lost respect in my family. Please sir help me.
I took the medicine as your advice.
Then. My old complaints like Body pain, neck spondylitis,meningitis, chilling and feverish, left leg bone pain, itching whole body, upper pre molar teeth gum abscess re appears with pain, itching of all gums, slight palpitation, cheek bone and jaw bone aching cough and rawness feeling in my nose throat and chest, and flowing down of nasal fluid down to throat which provoke me to vomit, slight burning sensation in urethra all reoccurring. After two three days all subsided.
But some complaints like neck spondylitis and meningitis, gum abscess, cough and nasal fluid flowing down to my throat chest rawness come back and I can't sleep pillow because of meningitis. I can't bent my head it's almost stiff.
I have overcome some of my fears, my leg bone pain is gone, my working confidence improves sleep to some extent good but because of spondylitis, anger reduces, teeth colour slightly changed, sensitive of teeth reduces,
I can't articulate my tongue. My tongue is short and heavy as a result facing difficulty to pronounce words,
I am slow to understand and slow to learn, and I a bit impatience and talkative because of which I lost respect in my family. Please sir help me.
Kushing 6 years ago
That's very nice if your old symptom returns, it also showing your history of suppression by medicines taken previously..
This time keep continue only plantago
And give feedback after 1 week..
Dont worry u are on the right track..
tell me anytime if any new symptom appears..
[Edited by KR on 2018-08-05 02:32:01]
This time keep continue only plantago
And give feedback after 1 week..
Dont worry u are on the right track..
tell me anytime if any new symptom appears..
[Edited by KR on 2018-08-05 02:32:01]
♡ KR 6 years ago
Can I take lemon juice and tea.
Sometime my wife forgot and add garlic in the curry will it hamper the healing process. Can I use toothpaste now.
Sometime my wife forgot and add garlic in the curry will it hamper the healing process. Can I use toothpaste now.
Kushing 6 years ago
Yes you can use toothpaste there are many mint free herbal toothpaste..
garlic may interfere with medicine if you are taking it then try it is well cooked..
And yes you can take lemon juice and tea..
garlic may interfere with medicine if you are taking it then try it is well cooked..
And yes you can take lemon juice and tea..
♡ KR 6 years ago
On the very day I have reported back to you,in the evening I was suffering from severe neck spondylitis and meningitis (steep neck) I could not move around my neck. I am compelled to take another one dose. And I am relieved from it. I observe at the end of this week my left bone, rawness of nasal passage and throat and my chest, body ache is not completely gone. On Saturday evening on the way I felt something like bursting out in right eye with pain. And a sudden giddiness, so I took my usual allopathy medicine for hypertension which I stopped for some days. And since yesterday after taking pork curry at midnight I have aching in my upper chest feeling something swelling and obstruction, gas is lock within. So I took another dose of arsenic alb 200 and I am relieved, from the complaints. I have some itching on my face with slight eruptions. My teeth problems improved but stagnant. I still need your help and your guidance and advice sir.
Kushing 6 years ago
The most important thing please do not repeat medicine ars alb 200c
I told you to take it only for 3 days
You can repeat plantago whenever you feel toothache
But not arsenic, not for anything
Now wait for 5 days and after 5 days take arsenic album 1M only single dose
But before taking arsenic album 1M tell me about the symptoms..
I told you to take it only for 3 days
You can repeat plantago whenever you feel toothache
But not arsenic, not for anything
Now wait for 5 days and after 5 days take arsenic album 1M only single dose
But before taking arsenic album 1M tell me about the symptoms..
♡ Mister4 6 years ago
Kushing 6 years ago
Good evening sir, as you advised me .I am thinking of taking Arsenic album 1M tomorrow morning.because though to some extent I am relieved but not completely. Though not like before my neck spondylitis and meningitis ,left leg bone pain, now sleepiness. Mild palpitations and constant giddiness with tendency of hypertension. Working confidence improving and stage fear reducing. But small flat warts and small cysts unchanged, skin itching persist,small bone tumour on my forehead unchanged. But I feel light can go up to second floor without tiredness.
Can I take allopathy medicine for hypertension whenever necessary ?
Can I take allopathy medicine for hypertension whenever necessary ?
Kushing 6 years ago
♡ Mister4 6 years ago
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