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Mental problem (Schizophrenia) Page 7 of 7

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Kaps 3 years ago
I have taken the dose.
Mild changes in head....strange feelings in head and cracking sound are a bit low.
Maria Khan 3 years ago
Check and post in the evening around 8 PM
Kaps 3 years ago
There is increased delusions.
The problem in head like cracking and strange feeling is very low compared to yesterday.
[Edited by Maria Khan on 2021-07-12 16:31:29]
Maria Khan 3 years ago
Sorry for the late reply
Have another dose of Nux Like yesterday
Kaps 3 years ago
Ok sir.
Thank you
Maria Khan 3 years ago
Sir i have taken the dose.
There is increase in delusion as i said earlier.
I was feeling very sad and felt like crying.
I cried at night.
Whenever i see myself in front of mirror, i feel i am very ugly. My look is very abnormal. It disturbs me.
Delusion was at peak late night and early in morning.
I faced difficulty in sleeping.
In morning i was not able to concentrate while studying.
I just got disturbed. I am not able to finish my task . I am feeling weak both mentally and physically. I feel like doing nothing. But i have to study a lot.
I am tensed.
[Edited by Maria Khan on 2021-07-13 15:57:20]
Maria Khan 3 years ago
Since you do not want to order Aurum
Take Avena Sativa 8 drops in some warm water
Arsenic Album 200 2-3 drops thrice a day for 3days
Aurum is must for you.
Kaps 3 years ago
I have taken the dose.
The sense of cracking sound is not there.
The strange feeling has resolved.
Both of the above are negligible now.
Rest symptoms are same how ever.
Hopefully i will be getting Aurum in next few days or week.
[Edited by Maria Khan on 2021-07-19 14:00:08]
Maria Khan 3 years ago
Keep taking Avena Sativa once a day for 10days total
Kaps 3 years ago
Ok sir.
Dose is same ?
[Edited by Maria Khan on 2021-07-19 18:33:48]
Maria Khan 3 years ago
Kaps 3 years ago
How are you now ?
Kaps 3 years ago
I amstudent i saw schizophrenia in aurum met

You should try this. After consulting any homeopath
Hameedjan 3 years ago
How are you now
Kingshahkhan 3 years ago
Maria Khan said I have taken the dose.
The sense of cracking sound is not there.
The strange feeling has resolved.
Both of the above are negligible now.
Rest symptoms are same how ever.
Hopefully i will be getting Aurum in next few days or week.

I have read all your comments in the forum and have also looked upon all the homeopathic remedies you used to cure your problems. In your earlier post you have mentioned that you have very strong sexual desires and in question 7 you mentioned " Insult , scoldings , exciting events , in crowds . Some years before i was very much afraid of loud music , noise and crowds." and is a strong symptom of Staphysagria.

As you are suffering from mental issues so you should take homeopathic remedies in higher potencies and should continue for some time to get improvements.

My suggestion is you try Staphysagria 200 CH and Silicea 200 CH for at least a month and you will definitely see improvement.
takemyscars 3 years ago
Sir thank you very much sir ❤️
Kingshahkhan 3 years ago
Hi sir are you on instagram ?
Kingshahkhan 3 years ago
The strange feeling has reappeared. I can clearly sense something at the back of my head. I do not tilt and move my head while sleeping because i am scared the sensation with appear and that sound will hit my head.
I am having sleepless nights.
I am very much worried about my future. My marriage, new environment, etc. I also get triggered when I think or someone asks about my career.
I am in depression, rarely talk to anyone. The environment around me is very negative. People constantly look into my every move. I fell as if i am in a prison and there is no way to escape. People treat me very badly.
I don't know whether I have a bad luck or what, but it is with me for no reason.
I cannot react to situation. I get triggered and say very harsh words and feel regret all the time.
Every night i decide to think about my mental health and the next day I just keep on ignoring and get engaged in social media.
I urge everyone please do recommend me medicine only if you are a practicing doctor.
It is not as easy as it looks like, therefore I do not want myself to be experimented.

Please help!!!
Maria Khan 3 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.