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Grade 3 meniscus tear and partial tear of ACL 3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Grade 3 Meniscus tear with partial tear ACL

I met with an accident on 3/3/2018

I have undergone operation on 8/3/2018 for meniscus tear

Below are my MRI findings of my right knee

Intrasubstance partial thickness tear of ACL

Grade 3 radial tear of posterior horn of medial meniscus

Depressed fracture lateral condyle tibia with adjacent subchondral marrow edema

Minimal synovial joint effusion with intramuscular contusion around knee joint.
Now I am walking with the support of kneecap. I am also doing some physio exercises. I also walk without knee cap in home, I feel slight looseness in knee joint. I am worried about partial tear of my ACL . Will it recover or is it going to cause problem in my future.Please suggest some medicines for recovery and also please suggest what are the precautions I should take.
  Ravikiran135 on 2018-09-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1. Describe anything that makes the problem worse (ie. position, temperature, food etc. )

2. Describe anything that makes the problem better (ie. pain is better for cold bathing or at night in bed etc)

3. Are there any changes in your mental /emotional state since your illness?

4. What other physical / mental symptoms do you have? Describe with;

Diagnosis (if any)
Exact location (affected organs)
Describe anything that makes the problem worse (ie. position, temperature, food etc. )
Describe anything that makes the problem better

5.What time of the day do you feel the worst in general?

6. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?

7. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?

8. How is your thirst; Less, Normal or Excessive?

9. How is your hunger; Less, Normal or Excessive?

10. How well do you sleep?

11. Are you generally feel hot or cold?

12. What medications have you been taking to treat the disease?
Tui 6 years ago

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