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Social Anxiety - Any Ideas


Looking for some help and guidance to come up with a treatment for my symptoms.

I suffer from social anxiety and mental fatigue.

I work from home and sometime don't get out much.

I don't have issues with going out to the store though. There isn't much anxiety around people regarding trivial interactions. I also don't have anxiety with people I know well like my family and wife and really good friends.

But the neighbors that I may run into may cause some anxiety, like I don't know how to interact with them. I don't make new friends and don't have many in general. If I become friends through some activity like working or the like than it is easier, but I don't let people warm up to me. It is difficult for me to make new friends.

So this anxiety tends to make interactions awkward. I can deal with it, but I would prefer to not have the tension.

In general I feel heavy in my chest. Feel the need to sigh or yawn as if to catch my breath. After lots of meditation it seems that I also felt cold in my chest when breathing deeply, that was new. I had asthma when I was a child.

I sometimes feel mentally sluggish and can't remember things or come up with the words to express myself.

If I have a conversation with someone I feel nervous interacting with I may end up blushing a bit. I am not sure what to speak about and my breathing becomes constricted so there is this tension. It usually revolves around men more than women. This could be because I had some bad relationships with my step father when I was young where he was physically abusive, not sure though...

I had some depression when I was younger, about 9 years ago. It hasn't really bother me recently but I wonder if it still lingering a little bit. Like, I don't have an issue with being motivated much and working on projects and getting out of bed. But I still do tend to prefer to sleep in if I have that option.

Though, I do feel like there is a slight weight that prevents me from being fully actuated and happy.

My eyes usually have some darkish rings under them, though isn't common for Caucasians?

I do tend to have high expectation for myself.

Please let me know if you are interested and have any questions regarding this.

Thank you in advance for any insight.
  pseast on 2018-09-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I'm interested in your case but need more info so please answer the following questions;

1. You said - "In general I feel heavy in my chest. Feel the need to sigh or yawn as if to catch my breath. After lots of meditation it seems that I also felt cold in my chest when breathing deeply, that was new."

- Can you explain more about this feeling? and what else do you feel in your body when you are anxious?

2. Would you mind talking about your step father? what was it like to be with him? What was your feeling / experience living with his?

3. About your depression - How did it all start? Have you taken any medications for it?

4. Do you have any fear?

5. Do you have any recurrent dreams?

6. What is your hobby / interest?

7. Describe anything that makes the problem worse (ie. position, temperature, food etc. )

8. Describe anything that makes the problem better (ie. pain is better for cold bathing or at night in bed etc)

9. What other physical / mental symptoms do you have? Describe with;

Diagnosis (if any)
Exact location (affected organs)

10. What time of the day do you feel the worst in general?

11. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?

12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?

13. How is your thirst; Less, Normal or Excessive?

14. How is your hunger; Less, Normal or Excessive?

15. How well do you sleep?

16. Are you generally feel hot or cold?

17. What medications have you been taking to treat the disease?
Tui 6 years ago
Thanks so much for helping me with this.

I am going to get back to you in a little while while I take some time to think about the questions.

I have been really busy lately.

Hope that's ok.

Much appreciated,

pseast 6 years ago
That's ok.
Tui 6 years ago
Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.

Let me start by saying that I recently tried a remedy called Calcarea Carbonica at 30c. I took one dose 2 weeks apart. I did this out of my own accord even though I know it is not recommended to self prescribe. I had tried a few other a while back and found I was mostly successful being very cautious and felt that as a meditator I was fairly aware of myself objectively. But through the whole experience I also have realized I should seek professional guidance because I don't really know enough about what I am doing.

The Calcarea Carbonica caused some aggravations in me and the result was that I feel that a very low grade depression has been peeled away. I find I am more lively, energetic able to concentrate better and I sleep better too. I found there were days that it made me sleep so much more deeply. It felt as though I was ripped open a little so that deep sankharas (deep emotions and habbit patterns) could be released.

I had realized I was also going through a low grade depression recently that has lasted a long time. I was basically dulled out, not excitable and not communicative much. Someone had said once it seemed like I was always in mode of shutting down. and yet when I was young I was very energetic. Strong meditation really worked for me, But this remedy Calcarea Carbonica seemed to really rectify it without the need for meditation.

I used to drink socially until about 4 years ago and I smoked pot when I was in my teens untilI was about 22.

Initially I felt that my anxiety was better, but realized it is only not there when I am so busy that I kind of forget about it, but when I am in certain situations it is still felt.

1. You said - "In general I feel heavy in my chest. Feel the need to sigh or yawn as if to catch my breath. After lots of meditation it seems that I also felt cold in my chest when breathing deeply, that was new."

- Can you explain more about this feeling? and what else do you feel in your body when you are anxious?

I have realized that heavy feeling in my chest is not exactly related to the anxiety and it some sort of energy blockage that related to depression, perhaps. I have realized that there is a feeling a little closer to the stomach that is fear and that is likely where I feel the anxiety. I feel the heaviness in my chest to varying degrees at different points throughout the day. I can usually clear it up with some very strong meditation and it usually released by breathing through it, in a sense.

When I get anxiety around others now my breathing becomes constricted and I can feel the fear in my belly as if I have swallowed my heart. I may get flushed in my face in my head and face / blush.

2. Would you mind talking about your step father? what was it like to be with him? What was your feeling / experience living with his?

He was mostly verbally abusive and once he slapped me on the back and it made me cry. He didn't have any reason for doing it. He had chased me down the stairs once because I accused him of lying about something once.

I also had a falling out with 2 groups of friends when I was in University and that was when the depression and anxiety came on because I didn't feel accepted at that time.

I generally didn't maintain a group a friends throughout school. So I found that I haven't had many friends who I felt had my back. In fact, there were situations when I was young where 1 person I thought was a friend had betrayed me. Then I switched schools out of necessity and I just decided to forget them, and do remember feeling unhappy about it all, and held a grudge. I just walked away and never talked to them again.

There was an instance with an ex in 2007/2008 where I broke down: She was playfully pestering me about something that i didn't want to discuss. eventually I broke a glass, cried and told her to go away. It was painful because I loved her.

Maybe these friendship issues and the anxiety could be related?

3. About your depression - How did it all start? Have you taken any medications for it?

It started in 2009. I took a pharmaceutical antidepressant, but I don't remember what it was. It worked well while I took it.

4. Do you have any fear?

Yes, I fear public speaking. I fear having the responsibility to lead a group publicly and have that responsibility. The idea of talking to someone I don't know. Sometimes I feel fear if it is a personal question from someone I don't know well. It is as if I am afraid to open up to people and be myself.

5. Do you have any recurrent dreams?


6. What is your hobby / interest?

I am very methodical in my approach to things. I generally like keeping things neat, unless I am busy. But I studies fine art and enjoy making things and learning how things work. So, I practiced carpentry for a while, metal working many many fabrication techniques. I like tinkering with computers.

7. Describe anything that makes the problem worse (ie. position, temperature, food etc. )

Nothing makes it worse that I can tell except for the idea of a scenario. The perceived scenario can strike fear in me.

Sometimes coffee may aggravate the anxiety. Btu I feel that it is if I have too much and especially if it is stale coffee.

8. Describe anything that makes the problem better (ie. pain is better for cold bathing or at night in bed etc)

I do enjoy having hot baths in the winter. I tend to get cold feet and hands in the winter. I feel comfortable having bath. But I am not sure if that means anything. I feel comfortable in bed too!

9. What other physical / mental symptoms do you have? Describe with;

Nothing that come to mind.

10. What time of the day do you feel the worst in general?

If I am right out of bed and out the door in the morning I may not feel anxiety as much because I am forced out into the world and just need to accept it.

11. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?

Hot baths are nice. I like saunas. I like hot springs.

12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?

I like sweets a lot. I don't really like bitter foods. I like spicy foods.

13. How is your thirst; Less, Normal or Excessive?


14. How is your hunger; Less, Normal or Excessive?

Normal to less. I usually eat less in the morning, more in the afternoon eat a big dinner.

15. How well do you sleep?

I used to sleep lightly and would sleep 12 hours easily. But I slowly grew out of that.

My sleep seemed to have improved after the Carcarea Carbonica and I found that I was sleeping much more deeply after that remedy. It was as if I was possibly not sleeping well and it was causing some problems so I may have been fatigued during the day and that could have caused the depression?

16. Are you generally feel hot or cold?

I like heat and an susceptible to the cold. My feet and hands get cold in the winter, but I tune it out, it doesn't bother me.

17. What medications have you been taking to treat the disease?

I took an antibiotic depressant in 2009. I don't recall what it is. I have taken Calcarea Carbonica at 30c recently. Took 2 doses about 2 weeks apart. The last dose I took was August 31st.
pseast 6 years ago
Please take Magnesia carbonica 30c twice a day for 3 days and let me know how you are in a few weeks.

1 dose is 2 pills or drops.
Tui 6 years ago
Thank you so much! I'll give it a go and report back.
pseast 6 years ago
I feel same problem
bhoot420 6 years ago
Hi Tui,

I started taking 30c Magnesium Carbonica on September 20th 2x a day.

I believe the tension and anxiety about having conversation with strangers and even neighbors has gotten much better, I can have a simple conversation and remain relaxed for the most part. there was a slight bit of anxiety in standard situations here and there but it has been quite manageable. I also feel a bit more with it and am able to think and be more present.

Had to lead a meeting on the weekend (2 days ago October 7th) at a volunteer organization as a director. Is a very tense time because we are leading into a big project and I needed to lead this project and the planning. I felt very nervous and tense about leading meeting initially. My heart was pounding and face was flushed initially. and just felt tense. I suppose it was tough because I had to be the boss around these older guys and felt I would need to put them in their places at times.

I had to be strong and it felt like there may need to be confrontation about certain issues and I would need to stay firm. I would need to shut people down even if they didn't like it.

I did ease into the meeting and felt better as we continued on, but was I suppose I still had some fear.

There was a little bit of political tension the last few days regarding some work where a colleague that is older than me had been stepping on toes. I tried to kindly explain and draw some boundaries through discussion. It worked alright but was difficult. I felt that it was difficult to be strong and out them in their place in a stern way.

I felt that I am shy of standing up and being firm with older men about what is necessary.

I realized that I need to be firm with this person because they will not understand get it until they have a heavy and firmly put in in their place. Reflecting on all that had happened made me feel emotional today. Had some emotional release. Also could be due to doing so much and having this burden to be the person who may need to be the referee and yet and elder person wasn't supporting me in it.

In general I used to find I had trouble paying attention to everything that people are talking about. Especially if it is just small talk. Not usually very interested in small talk, but since starting this remedy I have become better at that and am more interested in chatting and being open and sincere. Sometimes I am till a little bit aloof or preoccupied in my mind, especially when I was reflecting on all the political drama that weighed heavily on me.

I think I am generally a little sharper.

Today I feel down after the emotions of all that has happened, Do you think it is it still an aggravational healing and this is the right remedy for me?

Should I continue taking the remedy at this dosage?

Thanks so much for your help.
pseast 6 years ago
Please stop taking Magnesia carbonica but take Gelsemium 200c as needed.
Tui 6 years ago
Thanks Tui,

I will take one dose and see how it goes.

Very much appreciated.
pseast 6 years ago
Hi there,

just wanted to share my adventure.

Took one dose of gelsemium 200c.

First dose was off my feet with lethargy. feelt sick. couldn't face responsibilities. felt very stressed about any kind of work or responsibilities. 22nd felt better and relaxed. felt stressed again on 23rd.
Felt a little better for a few days then was feeling lethargic and sick again for a day. Responsibilities seemed like big tasks.

Still felt nervous with strangers and being open.

Took Sulphur 1m 1 dose. because I had taken sulfur a long time back and I thought it had a good effect. I calmed down and felt better but felt lazy after. Still had anxiety in general.

Took Natrum Muriaticum 30c 2x day for about 5 days (ran out). This made me improve very much. I have been feeling much better. A sense of peace in general.

Am not going to re dose for a little while and will see how it goes. May take a 200c dose soon and see how that goes as well.

Thinking of possibly trying Stannum Metallicum. But will be patient and will not mix remedies.

More realizations of my self and mannerisms:

Concerned about what others think of me. asthma when young. less social after my step father hit me on my back. Stopped staying connected with friends. Some pent up anger. feels like i want to cry sometimes (slight depression). trouble breathing easy. Feel tightness in chest if I need to face a man and set a boundary. stop breathing when angry. stop breathing with anxiety around strangers. Lack of confidence. Picky about food, no bruised fruit, like keeping my foods separate and eating them separate.
Tightness in chest when speaking with strangers. Trouble connecting with people. Can easily tune things out: listen to music and read at the same time, but then can also zone out and not listen to everything being said. trouble opening up to even the closest people, may be confortable and not have anxiety, but will still not be real with them. used to talk to self when young. Thinking about what was said in recent meetings with strangers wondering if what I had done or said was OK. fussing about physical appearance slightly. Facing older men of authority gives some anxiety.
pseast 6 years ago

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