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Azoospermia and Varicocele 9


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Azoospermia Varicocele PLEASE HELP


We are a desperate couple who have tried to conceive for 2 years. We have now started to do our own research since the doctors here don’t seem to care to solve the problem and we just found out that many people are getting cured by homeopathic medicine.

My husband have no sperm in his semen. In his first sperm test he had 7000 not motile/dead sperms but in the second there was nothing at all. The urologist found out that he had a grave varicocele on his left testicle. He also has a spermatocele on his right side. But they said that surgery is not an option because it will not help. His testosterone was a little low so they talked about testosterone injections (maybe later after biopsy) but I don’t want him to start to take that for the rest of his life. I believe that there is something that can cure his problem so his testo can rise naturally and perhaps his varicocele will disappear. His testis are also smaller than normal and his sexual desire is low.

He also suffer a lot from pain in his arms for many years. Even a surgery to clear the nerves didn’t help. The problem is either musculary or/and from the nervs. He also has problems and pain with his back and heel spur.

His latest hormone levels:

TSH: 2,9 mU/L

FSH: 5,8 IE/L

LH 6,5 IE/L

Prolactine: 490 ug/L

Testosterone: 9,9 nmol/L

Leucocyts: 7,7

SHBG: 29

He have now started to go on acupuncture for some weeks. He also eat very healthy, a lot of vegetables, not a lot of diary and sugar. He tries to exercise a few times a week (mostly rehab because he can't do anything hard because of his arms) and he goes to yoga as well 1 time/week.

We REALLY hope that someone can help us! We would appreciate any help. I have read a lot about Arnica, Hamamelis, Pulsatilla, Nux vomica, Aurum Metallicum, Rhus Tox, Lycopodium, Thuja etc etc

I just don´t know what exactly is the best treatment for his problems I just get more and more confused the more I read.

Thanks in advice!
  Emilia on 2018-09-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Homeopaths usually need to know about the person in order to find the most appropriate remedy so please answer the following questions as much as you can. I will get back to you as soon as possible.


1. Chief complaint / problem (Diagnosis) – Please explain your main symptoms.
a. Diagnosis (name of disease)

b. Exact location ( affected organs)

c. Sensation ( eg. sharp pain, stubbing, dull, throbbing, numbness etc)

d. Causation / When did it all start?

2. What sort of things make it better?
a. Any Specific time of the day? (e.g Early morning, noon, evening, after midnight etc)

b. Any seasons / weather? (e. g cloudy, dump weather, cold rainy days, hot humid etc)
c. Having any type of foods / drinks?

d. Any specific posture? (e.g bending knees, lie on a back etc)

3. What sort of things make it worse?
a. Any Specific time of the day? (e.g Early morning, noon, evening, after midnight etc)

b. Any seasons / weather? (e. g cloudy, dump weather, cold rainy days, hot humid etc)

c. Having any type of foods / drinks?

d. Any specific posture? (e.g bending knees, lie on a back etc)

4. Are there any changes in your mental /emotional state since the onset of your illness? ( e. g You used to be an easy going, but since the onset of illness, you became very irritable)

5. What other physical / mental symptoms do you have? Describe the symptoms in detail.

About yourself in General;

1. Do you have any fears?

2. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?

3. How is your thirst; Less, Normal or Excessive?

4. How is your hunger; Less, Normal or Excessive?

5. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?

6. How is your bowel movement and stool type?

7. How well do you sleep and do you have a particular posture of sleeping?

8. Do you normally feel hot, warm, cold, or chilly?

9. What medications have you been taking to treat the disease?

10. Briefly describe your history of illness ( and medications if any).

11. What major diseases are running in your family?
Tui 6 years ago
There are no words for how much we appreciate that you will help us!! Thank you so so much!!!

Here are the answers:

Age: 30
Sex: Male
Weight: 73 kg
Height: 181 cm
Occupation: Office work
Country: Scandinavia

1. Chief complaint / problem (Diagnosis) – Please explain your main symptoms.
a. Diagnosis (name of disease)
Today I’m suffering from varicocele (on the left side) and azoospermia. Also a spermatocele was found on the right side. All of this affects my testosterone and my libido.

Since 2012 I’ve also suffered from unexplainable pain in my arms which is more or less a constant pain. They haven’t found an exact name of any disease but they think the radial nerve could be affected in some way. But there could also be something with the muscles.

b. Exact location ( affected organs)
Left testicle (varicosele) and right testicle (spermatocele). Smaller than normal testis.

Both arms are affected. The pain is mainly located on the upper of the forearm but I also feel pain on the lower forearm close to the wrist. I feel that the pain also goes up to the upper arm and then behind the shoulder and up to the top of my back.

c. Sensation ( eg. sharp pain, stubbing, dull, throbbing, numbness etc)
My varicocele doesn’t hurt. I didn’t notice it until our investigation.

For my arms the pain is mostly dull constantly and the more I use my arms during the day the more the dull feeling will increase and I’ll get so tired in the arms that I can’t use them that much. I easily get cramp feelings in my arms. My right hand can often be difficult to open. When I open it I feel that it want to be close since the pain otherwise will increase. Sometimes the pain can also be throbbing on the upper forearm and I can’t carry more than a couple of kilograms more than a few seconds, then I will feel completely exhausted in my arms. If I keep my arms stretched and for example if I put my arms around someone who sits beside me I will feel numbness and stubbing after 10-15 seconds. I get tired quite fast in my arms like I’ve been exercising for hours.

d. Causation / When did it all start?
The pain in my arms started March 2012 when I used my arms a lot for example during my thesis in front of a computer, played a lot of tennis, started to go to gym for the first time and also played a lot of playstation.

The varicosele I don’t know when it started but we have tried to conceive for more than 2 years and after starting an investigation I received the answer about varicocele, spermatocele and also azoospermia (the first semen showed oligospermia - 7000 not motile/dead sperms) this summer 2018.

2. What sort of things make it better?
a. Any Specific time of the day? (e.g Early morning, noon, evening, after midnight etc)
The pain is less in the morning when I wake up and after a couple of minutes the pain starts to increase and in the noon/evening it is worse.

For the varicosele I don't feel that much at all.

b. Any seasons / weather? (e. g cloudy, dump weather, cold rainy days, hot humid etc)

Hot weather maybe decreases the pain a little bit and when it is cold the pain increases a little more. But the pain is quite high more or less the whole season.

c. Having any type of foods / drinks?
Drink mostly water. No alcohol and trying to avoid sugar in general food. I’m eating a lot of vegetables and fruit and trying to decrease meat during the week. I try to eat vegan food 3-4 times a week. But no food makes it better. I tried to eat really healthy for a period (less meat, no diary, no sugar, no alcohol, no wheat) and not doing any kind of exception but I didn’t see any different after more than 6 months.

d. Any specific posture? (e.g bending knees, lie on a back etc)
The best pousture is to lie down on the bed and the second best posture is to stand and let my arms to just relax.

3. What sort of things make it worse?
a. Any Specific time of the day? (e.g Early morning, noon, evening, after midnight etc)
The pain is less in the morning when I wake up and after a couple of minutes the pain starts to increase and in the noon/evening it is worse.
b. Any seasons / weather? (e. g cloudy, dump weather, cold rainy days, hot humid etc)
Hot weather maybe decreases the pain a little bit and when it is cold the pain increases a little more. But the pain is quite high more or less the whole season.

c. Having any type of foods / drinks?

Can't remember anything that makes it obvious worse.

d. Any specific posture? (e.g bending knees, lie on a back etc)
A bad posture is to sit and bend my arms 90 degree (work posture in front of computer) because then I activate the pain more.

4. Are there any changes in your mental /emotional state since the onset of your illness? ( e. g You used to be an easy going, but since the onset of illness, you became very irritable)
Sometimes I can feel that it is irritating that I can't do everything I want since I used to be a soccer player and liked to exercise a lot but now when I can't do that in the same extension it hurts. But with time I unfortunately get used to live with it so you can handle pain in a better way today.

5. What other physical / mental symptoms do you have? Describe the symptoms in detail.
I am generally very stiff in my body and muscles.

About yourself in General;

1. Do you have any fears?
Nothing special.
2. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
I have very good self-control but when I crave something and want to do an exception from my diet I want to eat pizza and kebab. 

3. How is your thirst; Less, Normal or Excessive?
I guess it's normal but I usually never drink during the time I eat I drink after I finish. I usually drink 2-3 l/day

4. How is your hunger; Less, Normal or Excessive?
My hunger is more than normal, I eat really large portions but I don’t gane a lot weight.

5. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
I would say it's normal. I mostly sweat in my back and on the limbs (if I'm not exercising) and also on the head.

6. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
Sometimes it's very soft and I can have diarrhea. But usually it´s more normal than soft. My bowel movement is good I go every day at least once a day to the bathroom to empty.  It also depends on the food I'm eating but it has a light brown color in general.

7. How well do you sleep and do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
I don’t sleep that deep. I wake up many times during sleep. I like to sleep on my stomach mostly and on the left and right side but I would say that the quality of my sleep is not the best, maybe due to the pain in arms.

8. Do you normally feel hot, warm, cold, or chilly?
Cold and chilly, especially my hands and feet. When the most of the people feel hot I'm acutally feel cold and sometimes I need to go and pour hot water on my hands.

9. What medications have you been taking to treat the disease?
The varicocele: acupuncture twice a week (don’t know if it's helping but I am still doing it to see if it can help and also some yoga/stretch every day. I have also tried zinc, Folic Acid, L-Arginin, selenium, q10, e-vitmin, pycnogenol and astaxhin but we couldn’t see that it helped at all. This vitamins and antioxidants were taken between the sperm tests to see if it would help but it didn’t show any improvement.

The arms: Painkiller as Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and Naproxen. They have also suggested antidepressant medication but I refused to take that. I am taking Magnesium before bedtime and painkillers when I can't handle the pain.

10. Briefly describe your history of illness ( and medications if any).
Please see above.

11. What major diseases are running in your family?
My mum and sister have hypothyroidism. My sister had 3 miscarriges and they don´t know yet if it´s because of the THS level or if its because of something else. My mum also has fibromyalgia. My dad has problem with his back. The cot is in clamp.
[Edited by Emilia on 2018-09-20 12:57:35]
Emilia 6 years ago
Now we have met the urologist again and he said that he definitily would recommend him to do a sclerosing. I am not sure what that is but maybe it´s almost like embolization. (He said it´s not a surgery). I can´t find a lot about sclerosing on google :(
[Edited by Emilia on 2018-09-20 16:54:34]
Emilia 6 years ago
Please start with the following remedies for 4 weeks and report back any changes;

Ranunculus bulbosus 30c (mornings)

Calcarea carbonica 30c (noon)

Clematis erecta (evenings)

1 dose is 2 pills / drops.

Also for both of you start taking;

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (salmon) 1M, just one dose weekly for the next 4 weeks. 1 dose is 2 pills / drops. You can probably buy this remedy from Helios UK.
Tui 6 years ago
Thank you so so much! We really appreciate your help. It means a lot. But the problem is that we tried to order but it wasn´t possible to ship to Sweden. I don´t know what to do. Is there any other website that sell good homeopatic remidies and also to Sweden?

Best regards and thanks again!!
Emilia 6 years ago
Tui 6 years ago
Thanks you are the best! We have now ordered so we are excited to see what will happen.
Emilia 6 years ago
Now he has tried the remedies for 4 weeks but there are no progress in anything. Tomorrow he will do surgery for his varicocele. But we wonder what remedies to take to cure the pain in his arms? Do you suggest to take remedies to avoid any varicocele to happen again?
Hope to hear from you. Thanks so much!
Best regards
Emilia 6 years ago
Please take Calendula 30c up to 4 times a day after the surgery.

And for the arm pain, start with Kalmia latifolia 30c twice a day for 10 days and see how you feel after that.

Regarding varicocele, I don't know any remedy that can possibly prevent happening again in the future.
Tui 6 years ago
Thanks for the fast reply.

I wonder if he also should continue taking any of these old remedies?

Ranunculus bulbosus 30c(mornings) 

Calcarea carbonica 30c (noon) 

Clematis erecta (evenings) 

1 dose is 2 pills / drops. 

Also for both of you start taking; 

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (salmon) 1M
Emilia 6 years ago
No discontinue all of them except oncorhynchus tshawytscha 1m one dose weekly for both of you.
Tui 6 years ago
Hello Emilia
Is there any improvement after the above all prescription taken.
sallahibhai 3 years ago
Unfortanly it did´nt help but they found sperms after our third IVF. But in that time he didnt take any supplement.
Best regards
Emilia 3 years ago

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