The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Lycopodium culvatum antidote
If someone knows about lycopodium culvatum antidote pls share your thoughtsattiq on 2018-09-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ HealthyWorld 6 years ago
Pls help
I have right side sciatica pain from one month. I have tried arnica 200 and got some relief if someone can tell more specific medicine for this problem. I m 39 male specific cause of problem unknown.
I have right side sciatica pain from one month. I have tried arnica 200 and got some relief if someone can tell more specific medicine for this problem. I m 39 male specific cause of problem unknown.
attiq 6 years ago
Dear Attiq,
Please select a best matched and suitable group for you:
Group A
• Numbness, also drawing and tearing in limbs, especially while at rest or at night.
• Sciatica, worse right side. Cannot lie on painful side.
• Hands and feet numb. Right foot hot, left cold.
• Cramps in calves and toes at night in bed.
• Limbs go to sleep. Twitching and jerking.
• Head strong and haughty when sick.
• Loss of self-confidence. Hurried when eating
• Symptoms characteristically run from right to left, acts especially on right side of body, and are worse from about 4 to 8 pm.
Group B
• Sciatica, right side, better lying down.
• Great loquacity.
• Sad in the morning; no desire to mix with the world.
• Restless and uneasy; does not wish to attend to business; wants to be off somewhere all the time.
• Mental labor best performed at night.
• Craving for alcohol, oysters. Any food causes distress.
Group C
• A rheumatic remedy. Pains shift rapidly.
• Pains from hips to knees and feet.
• Pains affect a large part of a limb, or several joints, and pass through quickly. Weakness, numbness, pricking, and sense of coldness in limbs.
• Sleepless, wakes very early in morning.
• Nausea; vomiting. Pain in pit of stomach; worse by bending forward; relieved by sitting erect.
• Sensation of something being pressed under the epigastrium.
Group D
• A remedy of unquestioned benefit in sciatica, when pain is associated with numbness of the part affected.
• Rheumatism and morning diarrhoea.
• Cramps in calves of legs and feet when in bed.
• Rheumatic pain in ankle joints and legs.
• Intense pain along the sciatic nerve; numbness alternates with pain.
• Frequent pains in calves and feet.
• Better, drawing limbs up, flexing thigh on abdomen.
Group E
• Pain in nape, back and loins.
• Backache better pressure and lying on back.
• Lumbago worse morning before rising.
• Spine and limbs feel bruised. Small of back and loins pain.
• Legs give out on rising from a chair, hips and thighs so weak.
• Sciatica; worse, lying down at night.
• pain from back down hips and thighs.
• Hamstrings feel shortened
• Thighs pain when stretching the limbs.
• Pain in bones of feet and ankles. Great restlessness.
Group F
• Here the inflammation is high and the pains come on suddenly.
• There is neuritis, and the course of the nerve is sensitive.
• The pain is especially severe at night, the parts are sensitive to the touch, the least concussion or a draft of air aggravates.
• Severe lancinating pains coming on in the afternoon or evening.
• Has to change position often; worse from motion, noise, shock or contact; cannot bear the clothing to touch him.
• Relieved by letting the limb hang down, warmth and the erect posture.
Group G
• From its action on the spinal cord, Nux is frequently the remedy in sciatica.
• It has lightning-like pains, with which twitching of the parts.
• Violent pains, has to change position; pains shoot down into the foot, the limb is stiff and contracted and the parts feel paralyzed and cold.
• Better when lying on the affected side and from the application of hot water.
• Constipated bowels and sedentary habit.
Please select a best matched and suitable group for you:
Group A
• Numbness, also drawing and tearing in limbs, especially while at rest or at night.
• Sciatica, worse right side. Cannot lie on painful side.
• Hands and feet numb. Right foot hot, left cold.
• Cramps in calves and toes at night in bed.
• Limbs go to sleep. Twitching and jerking.
• Head strong and haughty when sick.
• Loss of self-confidence. Hurried when eating
• Symptoms characteristically run from right to left, acts especially on right side of body, and are worse from about 4 to 8 pm.
Group B
• Sciatica, right side, better lying down.
• Great loquacity.
• Sad in the morning; no desire to mix with the world.
• Restless and uneasy; does not wish to attend to business; wants to be off somewhere all the time.
• Mental labor best performed at night.
• Craving for alcohol, oysters. Any food causes distress.
Group C
• A rheumatic remedy. Pains shift rapidly.
• Pains from hips to knees and feet.
• Pains affect a large part of a limb, or several joints, and pass through quickly. Weakness, numbness, pricking, and sense of coldness in limbs.
• Sleepless, wakes very early in morning.
• Nausea; vomiting. Pain in pit of stomach; worse by bending forward; relieved by sitting erect.
• Sensation of something being pressed under the epigastrium.
Group D
• A remedy of unquestioned benefit in sciatica, when pain is associated with numbness of the part affected.
• Rheumatism and morning diarrhoea.
• Cramps in calves of legs and feet when in bed.
• Rheumatic pain in ankle joints and legs.
• Intense pain along the sciatic nerve; numbness alternates with pain.
• Frequent pains in calves and feet.
• Better, drawing limbs up, flexing thigh on abdomen.
Group E
• Pain in nape, back and loins.
• Backache better pressure and lying on back.
• Lumbago worse morning before rising.
• Spine and limbs feel bruised. Small of back and loins pain.
• Legs give out on rising from a chair, hips and thighs so weak.
• Sciatica; worse, lying down at night.
• pain from back down hips and thighs.
• Hamstrings feel shortened
• Thighs pain when stretching the limbs.
• Pain in bones of feet and ankles. Great restlessness.
Group F
• Here the inflammation is high and the pains come on suddenly.
• There is neuritis, and the course of the nerve is sensitive.
• The pain is especially severe at night, the parts are sensitive to the touch, the least concussion or a draft of air aggravates.
• Severe lancinating pains coming on in the afternoon or evening.
• Has to change position often; worse from motion, noise, shock or contact; cannot bear the clothing to touch him.
• Relieved by letting the limb hang down, warmth and the erect posture.
Group G
• From its action on the spinal cord, Nux is frequently the remedy in sciatica.
• It has lightning-like pains, with which twitching of the parts.
• Violent pains, has to change position; pains shoot down into the foot, the limb is stiff and contracted and the parts feel paralyzed and cold.
• Better when lying on the affected side and from the application of hot water.
• Constipated bowels and sedentary habit.
♡ HealthyWorld 6 years ago
attiq 6 years ago
attiq saidattiq saidGroup B with strong resemblance
Mind syptoms matching 100 percent
Any advise from you would be appreciated
attiq 6 years ago
Lachesis 200
Take a single dose of above remedy.
See how this remedy works for you in the coming 15 days.
Please take one dose. Just one dose. Not daily.
Get the remedy in liquid:
Put five drops of the remedy in 20 ml of mineral water, hit the bottle at least 6 time (shaking the bottle is not enough) and keep it for 5 minutes. Take it before bedtime. That’s one dose.
Dose: At night before sleeping.
Don't eat or drink anything before or after 30 minutes of taking the remedy. Avoid Coffee, Tea and Tobacco in any form.
Take a single dose of above remedy.
See how this remedy works for you in the coming 15 days.
Please take one dose. Just one dose. Not daily.
Get the remedy in liquid:
Put five drops of the remedy in 20 ml of mineral water, hit the bottle at least 6 time (shaking the bottle is not enough) and keep it for 5 minutes. Take it before bedtime. That’s one dose.
Dose: At night before sleeping.
Don't eat or drink anything before or after 30 minutes of taking the remedy. Avoid Coffee, Tea and Tobacco in any form.
♡ HealthyWorld 6 years ago
HealthyWorld saidLachesis 200
Take a single dose of above remedy.
See how this remedy works for you in the coming 15 days.
Please take one dose. Just one dose. Not daily.
Get the remedy in liquid:
Put five drops of the remedy in 20 ml of mineral water, hit the bottle at least 6 time (shaking the bottle is not enough) and keep it for 5 minutes. Take it before bedtime. That’s one dose.
Dose: At night before sleeping.
Don't eat or drink anything before or after 30 minutes of taking the remedy. Avoid Coffee, Tea and Tobacco in any form.â Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread. Report Post â¡+You have endorsed this post
Thanx a lot
I ll give u feed back
attiq 6 years ago
attiq saidHealthyWorld saidLachesis 200
Take a single dose of above remedy.
See how this remedy works for you in the coming 15 days.
Please take one dose. Just one dose. Not daily.
Get the remedy in liquid:
Put five drops of the remedy in 20 ml of mineral water, hit the bottle at least 6 time (shaking the bottle is not enough) and keep it for 5 minutes. Take it before bedtime. That’s one dose.
Dose: At night before sleeping.
Don't eat or drink anything before or after 30 minutes of taking the remedy. Avoid Coffee, Tea and Tobacco in any form.⚠Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread. Report Post ♡+You have endorsed this post
Thanx a lot
I ll give u feed back
attiq 6 years ago
Can someone guide me, i m student of 4th year in homeopathy. I have Left side shoulder pain from 4 months. It started due to overlifting heavy load with improper posture. It subsides for few days but when i do excersise it comes back with full feriocity. Also cracking noises observed during stretching it. Would ferrum met be a good choice?
attiq 6 years ago
♡ HealthyWorld 6 years ago
HealthyWorld saidDear Attiq,
Have you tried Lachesis?
Lachesis will help you to improve your shoulder pain too.â Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread. Report Post â¡+Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. Click the red button to endorse.Endorse Post
attiq 6 years ago
Sir unfortunately i havent b coz lach 200 not available.30 available. I m trying to get the remedy in right potency
attiq 6 years ago
if you have Lach 30 then use that one.
♡ HealthyWorld 6 years ago
HealthyWorld saidif you have Lach 30 then use that one.â Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread. Report Post â¡+Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. Click the red button to endorse.Endorse Post
attiq 6 years ago
Sir i have taken single dose of lach 30 as prescribed in the morning. Till night i m feeling a big gas bubble is incarcerated at my left side of upper abdomen. Experienced Relief in shoulder pain. Will wait for your next instructions
attiq 6 years ago
Can some one help,
My left side of body is always painful it seems that gas is trapped in my left side ribs. This problem took me to icu. Physician thought that it might b angina. during further investigation all the heart tests found clear eg echo,ett and ct angio. Its assure to me now that its b coz of stomach and gas. My upper back is also painful.
My left side of body is always painful it seems that gas is trapped in my left side ribs. This problem took me to icu. Physician thought that it might b angina. during further investigation all the heart tests found clear eg echo,ett and ct angio. Its assure to me now that its b coz of stomach and gas. My upper back is also painful.
attiq 5 years ago
♡ HealthyWorld 5 years ago
No sir it was left side then and left side now.i dont know wht problem i m facing my heart tests are clear. Cont tell my ailment. But i m in pain.
attiq 5 years ago
HealthyWorld has prescribed you and you are taking treatment. Why are you seeking help from others again and again?
Keep patience and update actual condition.
HealthyWorld will give you time to time advice.
HealthyWorld has prescribed you and you are taking treatment. Why are you seeking help from others again and again?
Keep patience and update actual condition.
HealthyWorld will give you time to time advice.
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Hello Attik ... Can you share you experince after taking antidote of lycopodium.
♡ Aryans Sen 4 years ago
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