The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Premature Hair Loss - Please Help!
Hello,I am a male of 26 years old. About 2 years ago I began noticing slight hair loss towards the back/top of my head. Within the last 6 months (roughly) it has significantly increased and is now quite noticeable. The only time I've ever noticed a reverse in the hair loss was about a year ago when I cut alcohol out of my diet for one month. The hair started to grow back and thicken where it was thinning. Since then I have experimented with cutting alcohol out of my diet where I noticed a stop in hair loss but no improvement in hair growing back. Currently, i have removed alcohol out of my diet and eat pretty "clean" with the exception of eating out once/twice a week. I am taking Bio-Fen for men in an attempt to grow it back (for 2 months now) and am seeing no results as of yet (bottle says to wait at least 3 for results). Asides from that, I have been taking a creatine supplement, BCAA supplement and Protein powder for the last few weeks to get the best results from my work outs. I also take a Men's Active Mutli-Vitamin daily. I also had eczema as a kid and my constitutional remedy is Tuberculinum.
After reading online it looks like either Thuja Occidentalis or Weisbaden would treat my symptoms best although I am not sure if that is accurate or what doses I should take.
Please help!
Thanks in advance
[Edited by Uedge on 2018-10-17 15:19:50]
Uedge on 2018-10-15
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