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Father Health Detoriating


I was wondering if homeopathy can help my father.
He is 68 years old.
He suffered a big stroke in 9 years and was permanently affected from it in terms of cognitive ability. CT scans of his head show there are few dead brain cells on right side.

My mum is looking after him as he was no longer able to work after suffering the stroke.

Over the last 2 years, he has slowed down a lot. His walks more slowly, he falls asleep very quickly, he has urges to go to the loo and before he reaches the loo, he wets himself. He is diabetic (type 2). He craves for sugary food. But sugar really affects him instantly the next morning, it causes him to wet himself, it makes him confused.

His speech is a bit slurry and as he speaks, you can see a lot of saliva around his lips and mouth.

His thinking is impaired because of the stroke. I wish he can improve his thinking.

He is just generally slow and his brain is not all there.

He also has a big hernia on his testicles and doctors said they cannot operate on him because he is on blood thinners and there could be a risk of another stroke during operation. Because of the hernia, he cannot pass water without making a mess on the floor.

He is a very calm, quite man and he doesn't have any stress, does not have any negative thoughts in his mind, never says a bad word about anyone, no jealousy, no anger. In fact, he is the only person I know that has the ability to keep a blank empty mind.

Can someone help him get back up to speed?
  fjklasjfeopw on 2018-11-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Ct scan report? MRI REPORT ?

drjitesh 6 years ago
Hi Dr Jitesh,

Thank you for your message.

The CT scan was done a long time ago so I will need to find the report, it may take a while.

Regarding my father's history, his father passed away from a big stroke. My mum thinks my dad is heading towards the same direction as his father.

My dad suffered the big stroke in 2009. He had a blockage in the vein in his left side. During the operation, he had a heart attack but survived it. As a result, he has stents in his heart since 2009.

In 1991, my dad suffered a epileptic seizure. Prior to this, he was suffering from very high blood pressure in his late 30s and my mum tells me that he never took his medicines for his blood pressure.

But since 2009, he is on series of medications and he takes them regularly, but we have to sometimes remind him as he likes sitting in his chair all day watching TV and neglects getting up from his chair as it takes him long time and he struggles, so he likes to stay seated. This is why sometimes, he wets himself because he doesn't go to the toilet until the very last minute.

He is also type 2 diabetic. He has a lot of craving for sugary foods and if we left in the house on his own (which we rarely do) he would snack out on sugary foods and the next day, he would wet himself or during that night, he would have to frequently have to go to the toilet a lot. There is a very strong correlation between sugar and my dad's overall health. Sugar literally effects him immediately. When we question him if he had any sugary food, he will lie and never admit. We don't find this funny as he gets the whole family worrying but he doesn't realise this

Lately, he has been falling asleep very fast. He also gets irritated very quickly I have noticed recently. Usually, my dad is a calm, quite and peaceful man.

My mum took him out today and she said that he has got very slow in walking.

He passes his bowls everyday, no problem there. But he doesn't drink enough water, We have to force him to drink water. But he passes a lot of water compared to what he puts in his body.

When I shower him, he has lost a lot of muscle and has very thin arms now.

I feel he is getting old too fast.

Please let me know if you require further details but I hope the information I have provided thus far will go to use.
fjklasjfeopw 6 years ago
what weather he likes ??
bathing. which water ? cold or hot ??
covering required ?/ thin or thick ??
rain does he like ?
fanning required ??? if yes near or far ??
ac required ? if yes what temp ??
drjitesh 6 years ago
He likes Sun, when we went to India in February he loved it. He generally feels better in Sunny warm conditions.

When he baths, he doesn't like cold nor too hot. He prefers medium. When its hot, he complains its too hot but I don't think its too hot because I bath in it.

He doesn't like covering. When we go out, we have to remind him to wear a jacket otherwise he doesn't mind coming out without a jacket.

The rain does not bother him.

He doesn't like fan. He is very intolerant to fan. When we was in India, he didn't mind the fan but here in the UK, he hates the fan.

No ac required.
fjklasjfeopw 6 years ago
drjitesh 6 years ago
Hi Dr Jitesh,

For how many days should he take the remedy?
fjklasjfeopw 6 years ago

drjitesh 6 years ago
Hi Dr Jitesh,

So yesterday I went out and bought Bellodona 30c Pills.
I gave my dad 4 pills at 6.20pm yesterday.
I then gave him 4 pills this morning at 11.10pm.

He is now feeling slightly dizzy, a little bit of sweating and is laying down in his bed. He never lays down in his bed during the daytime, this is not like him. His breath also smells so badly despite doing mouthwash. His speech is dry and breathless.

Is this good or bad sign?

fjklasjfeopw 6 years ago
I just checked on him and he has fallen fast asleep and it's on 4pm here.
He never goes to sleep in the day.
fjklasjfeopw 6 years ago
Ok I Don't think it's worry situation
Whenever there is correct remedy Patient do get good sleep and feel refreshed .

Hope for best
drjitesh 6 years ago

It seems like 2-3 weeks ago when my dad wasn't so well he may have suffered a minor stroke in his sleep because lately I have noticed his walking is no longer the same.

When he walks, he can place one step forward with his left leg but then he cannot place one step forward with his right leg, instead he kinds of drag his right leg after putting one step forward with his left.

And also lately we noticed he cannot get up from his chair, he now requires help.

These two issues we have only noticed in the last 2 weeks which makes me wonder if he suffered a small mini stroke.

He has also been sleeping a lot more too, usually he will get up quite early but lately he has been getting up late.

And yesterday, he did poo in his pants as he found it hard to get up and walk to the toilet but before reaching toilet, poo came out.
fjklasjfeopw 6 years ago
drjitesh 6 years ago
My dad is passing too much water at night from 3am to 7pm. He wakes up about 5 times at night to urinate.
During the day, he is fine but only at night between 3am-7am is becomes problematic.
He also cannot control it, he gets very excited and sometimes urinates all over the toilet plate on onto his trousers.
But then sometimes, he stands there for a minute before he urinates.
I don't know what his issue is but this has been happening a lot over the last month.
I took him to the doctors and they said it could be his diabetes is not in control but we checked his blood sugar levels and they seem to be fine. The doctor also suggested could be a problem with his prostate or bladder. But my dad has no pain when urinating but he gets excited/uncontrollable and urge.
Urine colour is clear and no smell.
fjklasjfeopw 6 years ago

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