The ABC Homeopathy Forum
lycopodium faills, which medicine to take
SIR,for sexual problems lycopodium my all symptoms matches with LYCOPODIUM ,
all the symptoms like general , mental, phisycal(height5'5",weight74)
but LYCO. does not help me,
now what to do?
which medicine wll help me?
I think my problem(ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION) is mental NOT phsycal.
At last my question is which medicine will work when LCOPODIUM faills.
waiting for good reply.
xiang on 2006-04-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
you should try in defferent potency. There is no alterntive or substitue medicine.
dr.deoshlok sharma
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
Dear Xiang:
In the month of December,2005 you were advised by me about your sex problem.Now you seem to have another problem.Pl. let me know about the response to your earlier problem first.
In the month of December,2005 you were advised by me about your sex problem.Now you seem to have another problem.Pl. let me know about the response to your earlier problem first.
Dr.Jecee last decade
hi Dr.jecee,
Sir, it was good for some time but now my problem is there where it is.
I tried to contact you through this foram before some times, but didn't get any reply fom you and any body else.
I actualy I am depressed due to this prblem.
When I first time I got information about HOMEOPATHY ,the remedy which best for me was LYCOPODIUM ,tit matches with all the symptems which I have PHSYCAL as well as MENTAL,except one I think I am fat, not wver weighted though I am fat.
I think only HOMEOPATHY can solve my problem.
So I take a chance to get help from gentelman like you , and others.
I will be greatful to you and other friends for their precious advice.
Hoping good responce from you.
Sir, it was good for some time but now my problem is there where it is.
I tried to contact you through this foram before some times, but didn't get any reply fom you and any body else.
I actualy I am depressed due to this prblem.
When I first time I got information about HOMEOPATHY ,the remedy which best for me was LYCOPODIUM ,tit matches with all the symptems which I have PHSYCAL as well as MENTAL,except one I think I am fat, not wver weighted though I am fat.
I think only HOMEOPATHY can solve my problem.
So I take a chance to get help from gentelman like you , and others.
I will be greatful to you and other friends for their precious advice.
Hoping good responce from you.
xiang last decade
Dear Xiang:
You are advised:
1. Lycopodium 1 M one drop on
tongue once a week in early
2. Agnus Cactus 200 one drop
daily on tongue in early
Revert after 15 days.
God Bless You
You are advised:
1. Lycopodium 1 M one drop on
tongue once a week in early
2. Agnus Cactus 200 one drop
daily on tongue in early
Revert after 15 days.
God Bless You
Dr.Jecee last decade
The characteristics of lycopodium----
Deep lines from corner of nostrils to corner of mouth.
Inabilty to eat oysters.
When about to have an important interview has many fears ---
most of which are realised --- in Silica they are NOT.
Worst time of day from 4oc in afternoon to 8oc in evening.
Dark "sooty" nostrils.
If you have most of these characteristics plus erectile dysfunction , then Lyc will work for you --- if NOT it WONT!
Deep lines from corner of nostrils to corner of mouth.
Inabilty to eat oysters.
When about to have an important interview has many fears ---
most of which are realised --- in Silica they are NOT.
Worst time of day from 4oc in afternoon to 8oc in evening.
Dark "sooty" nostrils.
If you have most of these characteristics plus erectile dysfunction , then Lyc will work for you --- if NOT it WONT!
walkin last decade
If the cause of impotency is mental then onosmodium is the most appropriate remedy.Lycopodium is usually for old persons who have desire for intercourse but physically unfit.However you can try first agnus castus as Dr.Jecee advised.
sajjadakram635 last decade
thanx for reply,
Mr. Sajjad at presently I am following Dr.jecee's instructions.
but which potency of ONOSMODIUM I should try if I cant get result from LYCO and AGNUS.
thanx again
Mr. Sajjad at presently I am following Dr.jecee's instructions.
but which potency of ONOSMODIUM I should try if I cant get result from LYCO and AGNUS.
thanx again
xiang last decade
sajjadakram635 last decade
as you said in your earlier post that you feel erection during sleep, i think you should take, CALADIUM 30, 4 times a day for 1 week,
then inform about the conditions.
then inform about the conditions.
♡ drsajid last decade
xiang last decade
xiang last decade
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