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Erectile Dysfunction



Posts about Erectile Dysfunction

Tadalista 20 mg : Best tablet for Against Erectile Dysfunction1Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction4erectile dysfunction8Severe Nightfall, Premature Edjaculation & Erectile Dysfunction10erectile dysfunction25Erectile dysfunction1Erectile Dysfunction5Erectile Dysfunction1Erectile Dysfunction5Erectile Dysfunction43


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Prostatorrhea, weakness and Erectile Dysfunction Page 6 of 8

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also increase Avena sativa to 15 drops in half a cup of "hot water" three times a day.
Use Staphy and Ustilaga as said.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Ok sir, going to follow as advised.

Thanking you.
Shaksham 5 years ago
Dear sir,

Status as of now: Penile nerves have become weak so that even a slight thought drains some drops of prostate fluid within 5-7 seconds accompanied by weakness and back pain(though less intense pain than what was 1 month ago).

Currently, my order for Ustilago, R41 are in transit and Staphysagria bottle is empty which I have ordered as well.

I'm taking Avena Sativa as advised.
2-3 capsules of Ashwagandha a day made me so energetic and restless that I was unable to sleep yesterday night. Slept at 11.30pm,
Woke up at 1am feeling sleepless and did some 10-20 push ups, still unable to sleep.
Finally mind forced to do bed humping(my preferred way to masturbate) in half-sleep though I was conscious of the negatives of loss of semen (the most vital fluid).

Any suggestions, please?
[Edited by Shaksham on 2019-04-19 23:30:48]
Shaksham 5 years ago
Staphysagria is empty in less then a week or so(can't recollect when you started). How frequently you took it. I couldn't understand Ustilago is in transit. Were you unable to get it in the market.
I told you to take Ashwagandha only once in the night and not more then that.

Is there no improvement.
[Edited by Soul_Spirit on 2019-04-20 08:18:56]
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Sir, No improviment in emission from Staphysagria, it only decreased my fancy thoughts. Avena Sativa has improved some Physical and Mental strength, but I still feel ashamed of thin wrists, though I try not to think much so, as you advised.

I had Staphysagria left from my previous treatment in this forum. I failed to get it in market so ordered online.
I have received Staphysagria, Ustilago, R41.
Taking them and Avena Sativa from today.

Also, one thing noticed today, getting weakness and lower back pain after stool passage in morning after sleep. I don't understand.

Thank you from heart.
[Edited by Shaksham on 2019-04-21 02:36:55]
Shaksham 5 years ago
When did you start taking Ustilago. From today?
I told before to take R41 when you complete at least few weeks of Staph and Ustilago. If it doesn't help you may use R41 if you want.

Also I want to say that if you think you are not benefiting from the remedies you can ask from other prescribers to look into your case. I won't mind at all. Its not that I want to leave you in the middle. You should say No when you think things are not working out.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago

Shaksham and soul_spirit sir,

I am also suffering from pre-cum and PE and my penis not erect during penetration :/

I tried many remedies but nothing worked,

Then I took acid phos 30 which worked like a magic and my pre-cum cured almost 80%.

Soul_spirit sir will you describe him as we have same symptoms, acid phos 30 can be worked for him too.

I will follow this thread from now.

Thank you
Asifahmad555 5 years ago

I am taking R41 from yesterday, completed Staphysagria and Ustilago for a week.

Tofay I suffered nightfall, which happened with a dream and before I could notice and wake-up, ejaculation happened in less than 5 seconds.
When I woke up, I felt weakness and tiredness. Then, I took a bath and slept for another 2 hrs.

Please guide, thank you from heart.
Shaksham 5 years ago
Asif Bhai, thank you for taking time to help me.
I had consulted a homeopath, he took my case and prescribed just 1 medicine.

Acid Phos 30.

It helped with emissions a lot but failed to completely cure it.
The emission started again after some time.

Then, I'm following Soull_Spirit sir.
Shaksham 5 years ago
Asif Bhai, being disappointed , I am thinking to try Unani medicines now.

Rex Jiryani
Rex Majoon Arad Khurma

Then, Laboob Kabir
Shaksham 5 years ago
But after acid 30 u should use / change it to 200 potency.
[Edited by Asifahmad555 on 2019-04-26 04:22:11]
Asifahmad555 5 years ago
Sorry Saksham I couldn't help you with your problems. Seems I missed something. Homoeopathy will cure your problems its just it needs a right remedy. Hope someone here or outside be of help to you. Wish you get out of this problem soon.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Respected Soul_Spirit sir,

Please don't take it otherwise, I just want to get cured.

Please don't leave me in mid-treatment.
[Edited by Shaksham on 2019-04-26 08:25:13]
Shaksham 5 years ago
Saksham I am Not taking it otherwise at all. I already told you previously if you want another prescriber to look into your case then you are most welcome.
Its just that the two remedies should have worked at least fifty percent. It didn't. The prescriber should know when to back off and let others look into the case. It happens that sometimes the solution lies with others.
I am not leaving you in the middle. If you want any help at any time of the day I will be there. Just one thing continue avena as you were taking in hot water or in normal one.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Thank you sir,

I'm not getting any response from anyone here regarding my issue.

Taking Avena Sativa as directed. Bought another bottle. How long should I take Avena?

If no one helps, should I start self-medication?

please reply to both my questions, sir

thank you from heart.
Shaksham 5 years ago
If you have bought avena again then take use this bottle last time.

Don't do self medication. Someone may reply to your query.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Thank you sir, Soul Spirit and Kapsdqu-ack.

Waiting for someone to prescribe the right medicines.
Shaksham 5 years ago
Up to top.
simone717 5 years ago
Kapsdq_uack sir,

I last had Avena Sativa 30 and Dr. Reckeweg R41 on 3rd May 2019.
Shaksham 5 years ago
Okay sir, from today onwards No remedy for a week.
But, I am currently on allopathic medication for Intestinal Infection.
Shaksham 5 years ago
Dr. Kadwa plz help me get cured.
Shaksham 3 years ago
After taking Medorrhinum 1M and then 2 doses of Nux Vomica 200 within 4 days, I experienced that the precum was cured. However, after 8 hrs, I found small quantity of semen and precum mixed in urine. The quantity was less, smell was of semen and texture was of precum.

I don't know if the remedies worked or aggravated the issue.
Shaksham 3 years ago
Why don’t you start a new thread and to whom are addressing this after such a long gap
Kaps 3 years ago
Saksham bhai, whats your condition now.
Aryans Sen 3 years ago
Aryans,my condition is same
Shaksham 3 years ago
How is your condition now.
[Edited by gopal18 on 2025-02-22 13:06:48]
gopal18 last week

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