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Alternating motions and constipation ( green stool)

Dear Doctors,

I am suffering with motions and constipation alternating. Green soft stools.

I have earlier taken advice here for my neck pain. Blow are old threads

I would be greatful if you can suggest any remedy for my condition


  speddiraju on 2018-12-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Antimony Crud-200 6 pills morning
2. Sulphur-200 6 pills evening
Pl take this treatment for one week and then give feedback
homeo helper
homeo_helper 6 years ago
thanks a lot doctor. I am 47 yrs old. Few other symptoms i have stomac empty feeling after eating and often rumbling sounds. I am also diabetic and have frozen shoulder.
speddiraju 6 years ago
speddiraju said thanks a lot doctor. I am 47 yrs old. Few other symptoms i have stomac empty feeling after eating and often rumbling sounds. Lack of apetite. I am also diabetic and have frozen shoulder.
speddiraju 6 years ago
PL take medicines as I suggested for one week and then give feedback
homeo helper
homeo_helper 6 years ago
Dear Doctor, There is no green stools now. Lot of constipation and lack of appetite. have motions for only one day this week. Rest of the days little/no motion.

[Edited by speddiraju on 2018-12-19 07:08:01]
speddiraju 6 years ago
Now stop earlier medicines.
Now take
1. Bryonia-200 6 pills morning
2. Alumina-200 6 pills evening
Pl take this treatment for one week and then give feedback
homeo helper
homeo_helper 6 years ago
Dear Doctor,

I have taken Bryonia but not Alumina as constipation is reduced. Daily i have motion but its not full. I have gas and stomac unfortable feeling at times. I have left side headache which re occured after an year.

speddiraju 6 years ago
Hello Doctor, Please advice. How many days i should take Bryonia?

speddiraju 6 years ago
PL take Nux Vomica-200 in place of Bryonia-200 . Alumina-200 to continue as it is.
Pl take this new treatment fro one week and then give feedback
homeo helper
homeo_helper 6 years ago
Logged in to view progress
mani_jee 6 years ago
Dear Doctor, I am fine now. Thanks for suggestion. But i have frozen right shoulder for which i need medicine .Do you want to me add a new thread? What more details you need from me? Regards.
speddiraju 6 years ago
Pl tell me your suffering in detail. e.g
1. since when you suffer from frozen shoulder
2. is there any history of accident
3. when it aggravates etc etc

homeo helper
homeo_helper 6 years ago
1.since 3 months
2.no accident but i am diabetic daily takes metformin 500
3.i like hot weather not sure which aggravates. my history is below, but please let me know which details are good to have


Thanks for great help!
speddiraju 6 years ago

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