The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Colic/Suspected Infant reflux
My child is 10 weeks old, 11 lbs 13 oz and so far is gaining weight but we continue to have issues with breastfeeding and colic. After 5 minutes on the breast she starts pulling off and crying. Most times she will try to start nursing again but as soon as she latches she pulls off and cries again. If I stop nursing and calm her she is usually fine but rarely can I get her to keep nursing, even if I switch breasts. This MOSTLY happens in the late afternoon/evening feedings. sometimes in the morning, never middle of the night. A fair amount of spit up - not what I consider excessive and not every time she eats. She gets the hiccups a lot. When she does cry she seems to like her legs folded up to create pressure on her abdomen and bicycle. She does not seem upset to be laid on her back, in fact, sometimes it soothes her. My biggest concern is the issue nursing - we struggle to get a full feeding in and I don't know if she ever really gets the hind milk. Does this sound like reflux and if so, what can I dose to help her?sbparker on 2019-02-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please try Natrum.phos 30c. 2 drops twice a day. Morning and afternoon. Only for two days. Update click my name after 2 days.
♡ Ibrahim3 6 years ago
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