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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Please tell me what meds are good for adhd combined type for my 7 year old son.
  Am123 on 2019-03-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I need a very deep and and detailed history/symptoms In your own words.

Answers below ones as well .........

A) constipation historxy. B) headache if any. C) must select one option, weakness or restlessness, which is more.
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc If possible hourly basis details required .. E) is it a reoccurring problems F) you were physically active or inactive just before this condition ? G) do you feel more thirsty or thirstless ? H) do you feel cold in body or hot mostly ? I) any foul smelling gases ? J) when your suffering or pain or symptoms aggressive and when and how ameliorate ? If I'm not replying you can click my name to give me a reminder.
Ibrahim3 6 years ago
No constipation
No headache currently in the past he complained headache behind his head/neck
Moving all the time, early riser, complains hand feels tired when he is writing / doing his home work
He wakes up at 7 30- 8 am I have to get him ready for school otherwise his mind will wonder and he won’t get ready on time. He will stare at himself, Jump around etc he doesn’t eat breakfast leaves for school comes back around 4 eats plays for few then homework time which takes a long time. If I’m not sitting beside him dictating what to do next he won’t do it at all. He will shower around 7 and then eat dinner again and play till bed time.
He’s been hyperactive since he was 1 and diagnosed with adhd for 3 years now he doesn’t like sports just jumping and playing around making a mess very clumsy
He’s always thirsty feels hot he does get aggressive when he gets upset super sensitive negative thinking he hates hearing the word no. If he gets disciplined he will get aggressive yells kicks sometimes throws thingings too.
Thanks if you need any other info please let me know
Am123 5 years ago
It's better If you answer like A- no, B, yes C, yes like this. If I'm not replying you can click my name to give me a reminder.
Ibrahim3 5 years ago
A - no
B - no
C - restlessness
D - 7.45 am - wakes up for school
4 pm comes home From school
5 pm swim on Mondays , tues and Wednesday kumon,
6 pm homework then play watch tv iPad
9 pm bed time
E - yes
F - active
G - thirsty
H - hot
I - no
J - gets aggressive when disciplined
Am123 5 years ago

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