The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Need urgent advise and guidance for multiple fibroids
Need urgent advise and guidance.Pelvic USG shows bulky uterus with mutliple fibroids.
Report reads
"A well defined lobulated mass lesion with cyatic areas with internal vascularity is seen in left adnexa measuring 4.8×4.4×4.0 cm likely sub serosal/ beoad ligament fibroid with cystic degeneration. A small thin walled cystic area measuring 2.2×1.7 cm is seen adjacebt to the above lesion in left adnexa likely hydrosalpinx."
I request the esteemed doctors on this forum to look into this and advise the treatment and medicines.
I will be grateful for the advise
Priya7 on 2019-03-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I need a very deep and and detailed history/symptoms In your own words.
Answers below ones as well .........
A) constipation historxy. B) headache if any. C) must select one option, weakness or restlessness, which is more.
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc If possible hourly basis details required .. E) is it a reoccurring problems F) you were physically active or inactive just before this condition ? G) do you feel more thirsty or thirstless ? H) do you feel cold in body or hot mostly ? I) any foul smelling gases ? J) when your suffering or pain or symptoms aggressive and when and how ameliorate ? You can click my name to read other cases.
I need a very deep and and detailed history/symptoms In your own words.
Answers below ones as well .........
A) constipation historxy. B) headache if any. C) must select one option, weakness or restlessness, which is more.
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc If possible hourly basis details required .. E) is it a reoccurring problems F) you were physically active or inactive just before this condition ? G) do you feel more thirsty or thirstless ? H) do you feel cold in body or hot mostly ? I) any foul smelling gases ? J) when your suffering or pain or symptoms aggressive and when and how ameliorate ? You can click my name to read other cases.
♡ Ibrahim3 5 years ago
Thank you Dr. Ibrahim for responding to my request. I am putting together the detailed write up as requested by you. I will be able to share in a day or so.
Kindly advise whether such cases can be treated successfully with homeopathy.
"A well defined lobulated mass lesion with cystic areas with internal vascularity is seen in left adnexa measuring 4.8×4.4×4.0 cm likely sub serosal/ broad ligament fibroid with cystic degeneration. A small thin walled cystic area measuring 2.2×1.7 cm is seen adjacent to the above lesion in left adnexa likely hydrosalpinx."
Is this something to be concerned about?
Thanks and regards
Kindly advise whether such cases can be treated successfully with homeopathy.
"A well defined lobulated mass lesion with cystic areas with internal vascularity is seen in left adnexa measuring 4.8×4.4×4.0 cm likely sub serosal/ broad ligament fibroid with cystic degeneration. A small thin walled cystic area measuring 2.2×1.7 cm is seen adjacent to the above lesion in left adnexa likely hydrosalpinx."
Is this something to be concerned about?
Thanks and regards
Priya7 5 years ago
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