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Scapula/shoulder blade pain 26


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Left Shoulder Blade/Scapula pain

I injured my left shoulder blade last week while sleeping. The pain is sharp and increasing. It now wakes me out of sleep. If I am lying down it hurts to breathe. I can stretch my arm out to the side without trouble but if my back contracts (when I roll over or have to bend down to pick up something) the pain is limited to the shoulder blade.

Please help.
  Oarvouqu on 2019-04-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Hows the pain. How did you injured the shoulder. Did you fall during sleep. I couldn't get the sentence "If I am lying down it hurts to breathe". Does the pain increases with breathing or pain causes difficulty in breathing.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
I definitely did not fall out of bed. No heavy lifting the day before either. I went to bed fine and woke up in pain. Breathing causes more pain. It is fine if I'm standing but once I lay down it intensifies and makes it difficult to stay asleep .
Oarvouqu 5 years ago
Ok. Is the pain in whole of scapula of some region of it. Any other pain in any other part accompanying this.
[Edited by Soul_Spirit on 2019-04-09 17:39:00]
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
The pain us strongest along the edge closest to my spine. my right knee oddly enough started the day after. It feels like I have a hematoma but I haven't hurt that knee like that.
Oarvouqu 5 years ago
I would have start with Arnica or Rhus tox. But one last question when you breath does the pain seems to go across the spine or does it take a downward trend. Do you have any other illness.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
When I breathe the pain is downward. No illnesses in the past 2+ years.
Oarvouqu 5 years ago

I will prescribe two medicines.
Arnica 30 and Menyanthes trifoliata 30.

In Hematoma and other acute conditions like injuries,cuts,bruises Arnica is one of the best remedies and cure takes place in a very short time. Arnica should be in every home!

Day 1: Arnica 3 times.
Day 2: Menyanthes 3 times.
Day 2 onwards continue Menyanthes for 2 to 3 days.

If the remedies is in liquid(preferable) take 3 to 4 drops directly on tongue. If pills take 3 to 4 pellets on tongue. Don't take water/food half an hour before and after taking the remedies.

Provide feedback after 4 days.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago

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